May 4th Movement
May 4th 1919 was an anti-imperialist, cultural, and political movement to the weak response from the government to the Treaty of Versallies. The movement started a national protest and marked an upsurge to the Chinese nationalism. -
China Communism Formation
Communist Party of China also known as the CPC is the sole party of China. Its basis is democratic centralism. The CPC had communist thoughts and were blamed for the reforms of China. -
Great Leap Forward
During 1958-1961 there was a campaign held by Mao called Great Leap Forward. He started this campiagn to change China's agrarian economy to a communist society. He used stratagies such as industrialization and collectivization. In doing so he killed millions. -
Great Chinese Famine
During the same time period as Great Leap Forward (1958-1961), the Great Chinese Famine was going on because it was an effect of Great Leap Forward.There was a drought, followed by poor weather, and bad policies made by the Communist Party of China. In addition 15 million were killed. -
Sino-Soviet Split
During the 1960's the Soviet Union and Peoples Repulic of China had a large disagreement.Karl Mrax tried to promote communism and that didn't go over well with Mao. -
Cultural Revolution
In the year 1966 Mao started a revolution to reassert his power over the Chinese government. Mao believed that the communist party was taking over the government, so he called the youth to purge and impure elements of the Chinese society.