China / Japan Timeline

  • Opium War/ Treaty of Nanjing

    Opium War/ Treaty of Nanjing
    the cause of this event was the British sold opium to china even after china told them to stop and where britain didn't it stared to war. The effect was China lost british and they signed a peace treaty the treaty of nanjing. This treaty was the first of what the Chinese later called the unequal treaties.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Due to the Opium war and that more nations are given extraterritorial rights the rebellion happened. The effects of this was the death of 20 million people. Hong xiuquan wanted to create a peaceful heavenly place but it was not successful.
  • China becomes Constitutional Monarchy

    China losses a lot of power which forces them into a constitutional monarchy. The effects of this were Experienced an unrest State of being for the next 40 years. This will later set up the boxer rebellion
  • Commodore Perry arrives in Japan

    Japan refused to trade with anyone. The US really wanted trade with japan so they created a treaty. Commodore Perry had brought with him a letter from president fillmore who asked for trade between the us and japan this letter was The treaty of kanagawa
  • Crimean War

    This battle was between the ottoman empire and russian power. the result ended in the ottoman empire to win which was the first african army to defeat a western power.
  • Treaty of Kanagawa

    Treaty of Kanagawa
    Westerners wanted to trade with japan and the united states came with a big man power and demanded the treaty. Later the treaty was signed and trade was opened with japan to all western powers. Due to the new trade it helped japan boost technology and there economy
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    The Sepoy Mutiny was a very intense and bloody uprising against british powers in india. The cause of this was that the british kept building and gaining power at the growing dismay amongst the Indian sepoys
  • Meiji Restoration

    The japanese were angry that the shogun had given in to the requests of the foreigners and wanted the emperor back in power. The emperor was put back into power. this allowed Japan was able to adapt western culture and modernize quickly
  • Building of the Suez Canal

    Building of the Suez Canal
    Ferdinand de Lesseps agreed with the egyptian and ottoman empire to build a canal to help with travel and trade. The size of the canal when is was first put to use was 25 feet deep, 72 feet wide at the bottom, and 200 to 300 feet wide at the surface
  • Berlin conference

    Berlin conference
    Durning the time of the berlin conference major powers were starting to invade africa and imperialise. The berlin conference was a meeting between all of the powers to make rules and regulation on trade.
  • Sino-Japanese War

    Japan attacked china because china broke the agreement to the korean trading port. This war cause may fatal effects to china but was a great success for japan. For example it drove china out of korea destroyed china's navy and gain foothold in manchuria
  • Battle of Adwa

    This battle was between between the Ethiopian army of Emperor Menilek II and Italian forces. The battle was caused by the ethiopians wanting to change the rule over them and change it into a procreate of italy.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    America was worried that other countries would divide china into colonies and shut america out of trade So they created the open door policy. the result was It stopped china from being colonized, but left them to be destroyed by foreign powers
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Foreigners started to come into china and wreak havoc. The peasants were tired of foreigners getting special privilege people were tired of china's open door policy they wanted to change it. So the rebelled and tried to make big changes and fight but it didn't work out. Some of the effects were that the peasants stared a society called the righteous and harmonious fists they represented christians and they tried to make changes but were defeated because of lack of military aid
  • Russo-Japanese War

    During this time russia and japan were the only major powers in asia and rusia had invaded korea but they refused to leave. Korea asked japan for help in defending russia. then Japan won the war japan drove russia out of korea and Japan became a world power