5000 BCE
beginings of farming
4000 BCE
Representations of gods and afterlife on walls of Egyptian tombs.
3200 BCE
Herogliphic writing was made in Egypt.
3000 BCE
Trade between Egypt and Syria was stablished.
2560 BCE
The Great Pyramid is constructed.
Period: 2040 BCE to 1650 BCE
Around 2040 BC the king Mentuhotep II reunited the kingdom and launched a new era of peace known as the Middle Kingdom. This period lasted until 1650 BC. -
1650 BCE
The Middle Kingdom end with the invasion of the Hyksos
1550 BCE
In this year Ahmose defeats and expulses Hyksos from Egypt and destroyes Avaris.
Period: 1504 BCE to 1492 BCE
Egyptian emire reaches its biggest point.
Period: 1570 to 1069
This is the New kingdom