China becomes communist
China becomes communist -
Threat whith USSR
As the USSR was a communist country, it was natural that the new Chinese government should want to be its friend and ally. However, the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance which they singned alarmed the USA, because they feared that communism would spread in East-Asia. -
China invades Tibet
In october 1950, Chinese forces invade Tibet overthorwing their ruler, the Dalaï-Lama, and making the country into part of People's Republic of China. -
China helps North Korea
When there is a war between North and South Korea, China supports North sending 300,000 troops to help. -
USA protects Taiwan
USA takes under their protection Taiwan, because they recognize Chiang Kaishek's government as the true one. -
China-USSR realtionship cools down
A new soviet leader began to develop more friendly relations with USA and other capitalist contries. -
Rebellion of Tibet
In 1959 the Tibetians rebelled against Chinese rule. The Chinese troops crushed the rebellion and forced the Dalaï-Lama to flee to India. So many people followed him into exile that Tibet is still officially a Chinese autonomous region. -
End of USSR economic aid to China
The Soviets stopped all economic aid to China by 1960. -
Tension between China-USSR increases
It increased when China tested its own atomic bomb, and they installed armed guards on the border areas. -
War whith Vietnam
A dispute with Vietnam turned into a full-scale war, because a year earlier Vietnam signed a treaty with the USSR, their bitter ennemy. China invaded Vietnam at the start of 1979. But they withdrew in March 1979 -
Tiananmen square massacre
Russia and China friendly again
Hong-Kong returns to China
China's first manned space craft launched
Pollution reaches critical levels in main cities
The one child policy