Mao china


  • nationalist overthrow qing dynasty

    nationalist overthrow qing dynasty
    In 1912 Sun Yixian revolutionary alliance, forerunner of the Kuomintang overthrew the last emperor of the Qing. Sun became president of the new republic of China.
  • "Three principles of the People"

    nationalism: An end to foreign control. People´s rights: democracy Peoples livelihood: economic securtity for all chinese. Sun considered nationalism vital. Sun tiurned over the precidency to yuan shikai, a powerful general. Yuan quickly betrayed the deomocracy ideals of the revolution.
  • Yuan Shikai

    he was ruling as a military dictaror. his actions sparked un local revolts even his own generals refused to fight the rebels.
  • Yuans death

    When Yuan die chaos reigned, Chian remain divided and Sun kumintang powerless. Civil war broke out as one rival group battled another. Chinas peasents suffer most, warlors armies terrorized the countryside. Famine took the lives of millions.
  • WWI spells more problems

    Some China leaders mistakenly believed that the allies would return control of China to the chinese. The allied leaders gave Japan the territories and privileges that had previosly belonged to germany.
  • May fourth movement

    On May 4, 1919 over 30,000 angry students gathered in the center of bejing. Mao zendong a young schoolteacher supportd the students protesters. Later Mao would become China`s greatest revolutionary leader. The May fourth movement in wich Chinese people established a strong, modern nation.
  • organization of chinese communist party

    organization of chinese communist party
    Mao Zendong among many more communist organize the chinese communist party. While the communist party was forming Sun Yixian and his national party set up a government in south China. Sun deicded to ally the kumintag with the newly formed communist party. He use Lenin blueprint for organizing his party along bolskoviks lines.
  • Sun Yixian death

    Sun Yixian death
    After Sun Yixian died in 1925, Jiang Jieshi headed the Kumintang. Jiang followers were mostly bankers and bussiness people. He feared the communist "goal of creating". At first he puted aside his diferences with the communist successfully fought the warlorde, but after the warr ended he turned against the communist again.
  • Nationalist troops moved

    Nationalist troops moved
    Troops and armed gangs moved into shangai. They killed alot of communist leaders and trade union members. The nationalist nearly killed all the chinese communist party.
  • Civil war

    Civil war
    Nationalist and Communist were fighting a bloody civil war. Mao and other communist leaders estan¡blished themselves in the hills of south-central China. Mao referred to this tactic of tacking his revolution to the cointryside as "swimming in the peasent sea." He obligate peasant to join his red army, then he trained them in guerrilla warfare.
  • Period: to

    civil war rages in china

    Nationalis and Communist were fighting a bloody civil war.
  • Japan invaded china

    While Chinese fought Chinese, the Japaneses watched the power struggles with rising interest. Japanese forces took advantage of China´s weakening situation and invaded manchuria, and industrial province in the northeast part of China. In 1937 massive bombing of villages and cities killed thousands of chinese. The communist held stronghold in northwestern China. They mobilized Chinise peasent for guerrilla war against the japanese. Thanks to their effort, the communist won the peasent loyalty.
  • Long March

    In 1934 the communist forces fled. They began a hazardous, 60,000-mile-long journey called the Long March. Mao´s red army crossed many reivers and climbed over mountain ranges, they fought several major blattles and faced minor skirmishes almost every day. The chase lasted more than a year. About 100,000 people bagan the march and form 10,000 to 30,000 reached safety in northwestern china in order to reach jiangs forces. Meanwhile japan invaded China.
  • Red Army

    Red Army
    Maos amry controlled much of the northetn China. Meanwhile, the nationalist forces under Jiang Jeishi, dominated the sourthestearn China. Jiang formed an army of 2.5 million men. As soon as Japanese surrunder the NAtionalist and Communist resumed civil war.
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    United States involment

    At first Nationalist enjoyed a considerable advanteges, their army outnumber the communist army, and the U.S provide nearly 2 billion more in aid. In 1949 Chinas major cities fell to the red forces. In october of 1949 Mao gained control of the country. Maos winning encourage U.S anti-Communist feelings. Nationalist fled to taiwan.
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    Mao´s Marxist socialism

    Mao determined to reshaped China´s economy. agrarian reform las of 1950. He divided the landlords into peasents. Between 1953 and 1957, Mao´s government forced the peasents to join collective farms. Mao proclaimed the "great Leap forward" in 1958.
  • Two chinas

    China had slpit into two nations. One was the island of taiwan, or nationalist China. The mainland was the republic of China. This conflict intensified the cold war.
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    Crop failure

    Crop failure unleashed a famine that killed approximatly 20 million people. The government officially discontinuedthe program in 1961.