
Kaan and Gregory - Cold War Legacy - China

By Gal30
  • Chinese Revelution

    Chinese Revelution
    Almost directly after the second world war China started a full scale civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT). After a long civil war the CCP won and forced the KMT to flee to Taiwan. In 1949, Mao Zedong, a Communist leader who rose to power declared the China’s Republic of Power. This stopped a civil war from happening inside China’s midst. In the action of stopping nationalistic powers from getting in the way of communism, China fell
  • Sino-Soviet Friendship Treaty

    Sino-Soviet Friendship Treaty
    The treaty of alliance between China and the Soviet Union. The product of extended negotiations between Liu Shaoqui and Stalin. The treaty of alliance between China diplomatically being part of the socialist group. Mao Zedong announced a new treaty with Stalin to replace the old testament of Sino-Soviet relations. This was called the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship.
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    Korean War

    Thousands of communist Chinese soldiers, launched an enourmous militaristc counterattack on the forces of the U.S. and the Republic of Korea. This expanded the lead of Communism and put an end to a quick victory for the U.S.
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    Great Leap Forward

    China busted out a new tactic; using man-made labor instead of machine-intensive work. This built them on a industrialization path and using their superior man power to expand themselves past capital expenditure. The Great Leap Forward was repealed due to its economic problems it caused for many of the citizens in China at that time. “One group blamed the failure of the Great Leap on bureaucratic elements who they felt had been overzealous in implementing its policies.” "Great Leap Forward". Enc
  • Second Taiwan Crisis

    Second Taiwan Crisis
    Conflict between PRC and ROC. First Battle of Taiwan continued on with this battle. The initial crisis lasted 44 days where 2,700 people were killed in artillery fire. Though Mao stayed away and did not directly put the U.S into a bad position to get involved, it held the potential trigger of worldwide conflict if continued.
  • Sino-Soviet split

    Sino-Soviet split
    The gradual split between China’s and Soviet Union’s communist parties. Also known as The Great Debate, the conflict rose from words to actions as deeds were set and the two parties became so split that, in 1969, the troops for fighting on the borders of their countries. The various authors and controversial actions and people set and addressed the “points of departure” of the USSR and PRC.
  • Nixon visit to China

    Nixon visit to China
    After the unpopularity of the Vietnam War, Nixon shocked the country as he arranged and announced a first hand visit to the PRC. Nixon’s visit sparked a low-lit candle in the midst of a pitch black night, as it was the slow beginning to repair the broken diplomatic relations between the United States and communist China.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    In 1899 and 1900, the open door policy initiated a statement of policies that invoked equality of protection of countries trading with China and support Chinese territorial and administrative integrity.