Formation of the Revive China Society
Sun Yat-Sen created a group that was based on the idea that he wanted China to adopt Western styles of democracy, agriculture, and industry -
Period: to
Sino Japanese war
China lost Taiwan/Liadong peneinsula (Port Arthur), this showed gov weakness -
Sun Yat Sen flees China
Fearing execution when his attempts to start a revolution failed, he left nd toured Europe and USA raising money for the Save China League whilst developing his vision for China -
Period: to
Boxer Rebellion
Chinese citizens angered by gov failure to prevent foreigners influence Manchu gov eventually supported But lost to 8 nation alliance who asked for a lot of compensation for damage done -
Period: to
Russo-Japanese War
Foreign war fought on Chinese soil, for Chinese land without Chinese gov influence on outcome, showed gov weakness -
Confucian examination system abolished
This was part of Chinas westernization and was coupled with the rise of industrialisation, infrastructure and Chinese going to learn abroad as well as schools offering a western style education -
Formation of the Tongmenhui/Revol. Alliance
The revive China society merged with other revolutionary groups with a goal of overthrowing the Manchu dynasty and creating a democracy -
Death of Empress Tzu Hsi
The death of the empress was a severe blow on China and she left 3 yr old Pyu Yi as heir (led to the beginning of the end) -
Xinhai Revolution
Soldiers in Wuchang revolted as they were angered by the gov continuing to pay compensation to the foreigners after the boxer rebellion. The revolution spread with provinces declaring themselves independent. Led to Yuan Shi Khai being appointed prime minister -
Formation of the Kuomitang (KMT)
Sun Yat Sen returned to China and the Tongmenghui joined with other parties to form the KMT following the Wuchang Uprisings -
Sun becomes 'Provincial President of the U.P.C'
Sun was elected the Provisional President of the United provinces of China at a formal meeting of the independent provinces -
Sun announces Republic of China
Sun formally announces the establishment of the Republic of China with a government based in Nanking. His power was restricted with no constitution, empty treasury, and ununited provinces. Additionally, China was divided with Yuan leading the Manchu gov in Peking. -
Pu Yi Abdicates, Yuan declared President
To avoid civil war Sun and Yuan negotiated with Yuan promising to get the emperor to abdicate and China being unified with Yuan as its president, with a gov based in Peking known as the Beiyang government. China had no experience of being a republic.(problem) -
Sungs assasination (Yuan=military dictator)
KMT won the elections and proposed Sung their chairman to be put as prime minister. Sung wanted to limit the role of the President however Yuan quickly made himself a military dictator and suppressed opponents with some believing he was responsible for Sung murder. -
Sun flees to Japan /Rebllion against gov
Sun fears for his life and flees to Japan urging rebellion against Yuan who quickly put down the uprisings with the support of the army. He consolidated power by banning the KMT and dismissing all its members from the gov. Dashing all hopes of Chinese democracy. -
Yuan excercises Dictatorship
Yuan dismissed the parliament and issued a new constitution that gave total power to the president. However many provinces continued to oppose his gov (one of the first causes of disintegration) -
Yuan accepts Japans 21 demands
Yuans popularity decreases when he is forced to accept Japan's 21 demands that gave Japan influence over Chinas affairs. this showed many that Yuan's gov was just as weak as the Manchus at confronting foreign interference.(cause of disintegration) -
Yuan proclaims himself emperor
Yuan was convinced his position was secure and canceled the republican form of gov making himself emperor. This caused widespread anger from revolutionary groups and made him lose the support of the army. With 8 provinces declaring their independence. -
Yuans Death & Resingation
Following the outrage, loss of army support, and provinces becoming independent Yuan resigned and died shortly after he was emperor for 83 days. -
Li becomes President/ Disintegration Of China
Li Yuan was the V.president but struggled as president as he lacked the support of the army and was denied a strong central gov as it was vulnerable to foreign intervention. Consequently, China disintegrated into hundreds of states controlled by warlords and private armies. The warlords sought power over the country's national interests. Their actions caused misery and hardship to China mainly peasant popl. (made foreign influence easy, no unity) -
Formation of the New Culture Movement
Angered by the problems facing their country, Chinese intellectuals agreed reform was needed for China's survival. The New Culture movement was created on the basis that China's weakness came from its outdated social, religious, and political traditions. They argued that China's unity would be restored by adopting Western values. This could be achieved through mass education and abandoning traditional Chinese culture. -
Period: to
Growth of Warlord Armies (essay evidence)
The total size of warlord armies rose from 500,000 in 1916 to over 1 million by 1918 and 2 million in 1928 -
Sun Yat Sen returns & forms KMT gov in Canton
Following a failed attempt to restore Pu-yi as emperor, Sun returned and formed a KMT gov based on the 1912 constitution in Canton in opposition to the Peking gov. He relied on the Sourthern warlords to maintain control and was unable to extend his authority beyond the Canton area. -
Complete disintegration of China
Peking gov was weak and had limited authority and was unable to carry out economic/social reforms. As well as this the country was politically divided and warlord activity led to Chinas economic stagnation. Hatred of this situation gave revolutionary groups 1 aim. -
Sun Yat Sens 3 stages of Revolution
In his book 'a program of national reconstruction,' Sun suggested 3 stages of revolution including 1. The unification of China
2. A transitional period in which the gov would educate the Chinese in preparation for democracy 3. The establishment of a constitutional democracy -
The May Fourth Movement
The ideas of the New Culture movement inspired students who rebelled in Peking. This was triggered by Japan taking the Shantung provinces after WW1. They demonstrated against this decision, the 21 demands, boycotted Japanese products, asked the gov not to sign the peace settlement, and accused the gov of collaborating with Japan. The movement inspired the KMT and CCP parties and led to actual social reforms. Historians say it marked the beginning of Chinse struggle for unity. -
Formation of the CCP
The Chinese Communist Party was established by people like Chen Duxiu who were involved in the May Fourth Movement. The aim was to establish a state of the working class in order to create a gov and laws that would stop internal and external pillaging. The CCP started small but grew and gained support from Soviet Russia. This resulted in meetings between Chen and a Comintern agent. -
Formation of the 1st United Front
The Comintern was aware that the CCP was too small to bring about sig political change in China and advised the party to join KMT which was larger. Sun and Joffe (a Russian rep) met and formed the 1st United Front, Chinese communists became part of the KMT. The Russians provided military, financial, and organizational assistance. -
Publishing of Suns revolutionary Book
Sun's book the 'Fundamentals of National Reconstruction, had his 3 principles: 1. Nationalism, for China to become a strong, unified country respected abroad without foreign interference.
2. Democracy, for China to adopt a democratic system of gov with an effective education system being set up to achieve this.
3. Social/Economic Reform, the ending of China's rigid class system, improved conditions for the middle and working classes, more efficient agricultural practices. -
Unemployment in China
Unemployment was at 168 million because warlords increased taxes and seized control of profitable businesses, providing funds for their armies. Peasants' land was taken and some were forcibly conscripted. -
Sun Yat Sen Dies
Sun spent most of his life in the West and was exposed to Western methods of education/ideologies. Therefore he valued democracy and political reform this was against most of Chiang's values who was more traditional as he was locally educated. They were however united by a commitment to Chinese nationalism without foreign interference. -
KMT in 1925
The party grew especially in Kwantung where it was based because: Joining with the CCP widened its reach, Suns 3 principles aligned with the intellectuals, KMT offered an end to the warlord era, KMT reflected the growth in Chinese nationalism. However, this growth disguised the differences in aims of its members. The party was united to restore China but there was little agreement on how to govern that united China. Additionally, KMT influence was limited to its HQ province in the South. -
The struggle for power in the KMT
Following Sun's death there was a power struggle and as leader of the National revolutionary army, KMT's armed forces Chiang thought he would be an obvious choice for a leader. However, by Jan 1926 the communists held most of the strategically important posts in the KMT and had key roles in the NRA. This was a threat to Chiang's desire for power. -
The Northern Expedition
This was a military advance throughout China with an aim of defeating the warlords. By the end of 1926 KMT had defeated 2 warlords and gained control of the South. This success was because of: 4 years of detailed planning, Help of Soviet military advisors, NRA was organized (training) and well prepared with modern weapons whilst warlord armies were the opposite, Chinese supported the KMT, Many joined the KMT with the army growing from 100,00 in July to 250,000 by the end of the year -
The Canton Purge/Chiang becomes KMT leader
Chiang deployed the NRA to remove communists from key positions in the KMT and declared himself as to its leader. Slightly due to KMTs collaboration with the CCP, KMTs influence remained confined to Kwantung province. Chiang realized that in order to achieve KMTs aim in line with Suns 1st principle KMT would have to get rid of warlords. -
Formation of 2 Chinese Governments
There were divisions in the leadership of the KMT with some supporting Chiang and others supporting Wang Ching Wei who was a close associate of Sun and shared his ideas. Wang was prepared to work with the CCP and Chiang had little interest in this and social reform. Chiang gov was in Nanchang and Wangs in Wuhan. -
Wang establishes gov in Wuhan
This move threatened Chiang's leadership and Wang's supporters argued that Chiang was a power-mad soldier intent on turning China into a military dictatorship. Chiang argued that Wang's gov was infiltrated by communists and was determined to seize power through a revolution that would destroy Chinese traditions -
The Purification Movement
The CCP under Chou En-lai organized insurrections by industrial workers in Shanghai, by late March the local warlord was defeated. Wang congratulated the communists but Chiang was angered that this action was taken without his knowledge/permission. He then began the purification movement, a deliberately calculated attempt o remove all communist influence in the KMT -
Communist resistance
The communists under Chou gained control of Nanchang but were quickly defeated by the KMT troops, this is an example of communist resistance -
Shanghai Massacre
6 April Chiang ordered the closure of the CCPs HQ in Shanghai. 9 April he declared Martial law claiming it was a way to restore order in Shanghai. 11 April Chiang ordered KMT leaders in Shanghai to begin a purge of communists. He used Shanghai’s infamous ‘green gang’. KMT soldiers attacked CCP buildings, killing communist/trade union leaders, and arresting striking workers. This was known as the ‘white terror' and rapidly spread. KMT Gov suggests 5000 deaths and the CCP claims 50,000 -
Jinan Incident (Japanese) opposisition
KMT forces moved through the Shantung province and were confronted by the Japanese imperial army in which thousands of KMT soldiers and Chinese civilians were killed. This showed that Chiang's leadership would continue to face Japan as an opponent who was worried China's unification would reduce Japanse influence, especially in Manchuria. -
Chiang declares himself leader of China
After the fall of Peking to KMT forces, Chiang declared himself the political and military leader of China. However, his violent suppression of the CCP meant he lost the support of the Russians and was forced to spend vital resources on arms. The purification movement did not destroy the CCP and Mao Zedong was an emerging leader of a communist army that would come to oppose Chiang. -
Futian Incident/ Maos Consolidation of Power
Mao's strategies were unpopular with some leaders in the CCP however Mao was determined to retain control leading to the violent suppression of opponents like in Dec 1930. He ordered the arrest of 4000 members of the red army, falsely claiming they were KMT sympathizers. In response, a Red army battalion in Fujian mutinied but it was quickly put down and hundreds were executed. His supporters carried out purges that claimed around 10,000-70,000 lives -
Establishment of the Central Bank of China
Following the establishment of the bank, a national currency was introduced with the aim of overcoming regional variations. Additionally, through diplomatic negotiations, China was able to reduce foreign influence over Chinas trade and gain access to foreign loans (USA). These are Nanking economic successes. -
'Unification of China'/ The falling of Peking
KMT continued Northwards despite party divisions and Hankow, Shanghai, and Nanking fell in 1927 with Peking falling in 1928. KMT flags replaced those of the Peking gov. The KMT gov was quickly recognized as China's legitimate gov and Chiang moved the center of gov from Peking to Nanking. The expedition seemed a success as Sun's 1st principle was achieved and Chiang was now the political and military leader of China. However, warlords recuperated,and Japan became a problem. -
Period: to
The Nanking Decade
The period between the end of the Northern Expedition and the beginning of the war between Japan and China is known as the Nanking decade. Chiang gov based in Nanking established policies and reforms to modernize China. Some call this the 'golden decade' as it laid the foundation for modern China. Some measures taken included penal system reforms, economic growth, industrialization, improvements to public health, and reforms to agriculture and the education system. -
Wall Street Crash/ Impact on China
The wall street crash prevented Chinas acquisition of foreign loans on which many development projects depended. It also reduced the potential domestic and international market for Chinese goods leading to a decline in investment. (Nanking Failures) -
Central Plains War
Some of the military commanders who helped in the expedition opposed Chiang's leadership with some powerful warlords established a rival gov in Peking. KMT forces were loyal to Chiang and took 6 months to defeat them. Showing that the 'united' China was not perfect. (Nanking Failure) -
Warlords demand Chiangs resignation
Although Chiang marketed the Northern Expeditions a success it involved many agreements with local warlords who disagreed with KMTs plans regarding the political and military control over China. This led to them demanding his resignation leading to the Central Plains war that was costly to the gov. (Nanking failure) -
Land Law to improve Agricultural Output
The law included plans to include deforestation and wasteland reclamation projects to increase the amount of land under cultivation, irrigation, and flood prevention schemes. This was together with reforms relating to land ownership laws. Tenancy agreements ensure tenant farmers took food care of the land they farmers on and prevented landowners from increasing rents unfairly. -
Period: to
Extermination Campaigns
Chiang carried out various extermination campaigns between 1930 and 1934. -
Mukden Incident
Concerned by Chiangs attempts to unify China, Japanese soldiers convinced that it was best to take full control of Manchuria, created an explosion close to the Japanese-owned South Manchuria Railway line near Mukden. They claimed it was done by anti-Japanese Chinese and this provided an excuse for a full scale invasion of Manchuria. -
Establishment of Chinas 1st Supreme Court
In a bid to standardize practice across the whole country the gov introduced reforms designed to modernize the legal/penal systems with the intention of adopting Western-style legal systems hence the Supreme Court. (Nanking Decade success) -
Mao creates the Red Army
Following the Purification movement, the CCP was pushed to the Kiangsi province where Mao developed and commanded a Revolutionary Army of Workers and Peasants. In 1931 he joined his army with Chu Tehs to form the Workers and Peasants Red Army Of China (red army) -
The Policy of Land Redistribution
The CCP in Shensi issued a policy on land reform. The policy stated that all the lands of landlords would be confiscated without compensation and distributed by the Soviets among peasants. It also stated that every Red Army man should receive land. Land was given to those who had no land or were landless laborers with low wages or paid high rents for infertile land. CCP propaganda portrayed the Yenan Soviet as an idyllic social and economic system suited to the needs of the Chinese people -
Japan puts Pu Yi as head of Puppet state
6 months following the Mukden incident, Japan took control of=ver the whole of Manchuria and established the puppet state of Manchukuo. Pu Yi, former Chinese Emperor was put as head of state and two years later declared emperor. -
Letter from Chinese Resident of Manchukuo (Evidence)
Within a letter to his brother a Chinese resident detailed the bad situation in Manchuria. He discusses the impacts of Japan leaving the League and going against their decision to return the region to China. -
Singing of the Tanggu Truce
China's gov signed this truce thus formally recognizing Jpanaes ownership of the Manchukuo area. This did not prevent further Japanese raids into Chinese territory. -
Chiang's plan to End the CCP in Kiangsi
Chiang planned to surround and starve the communists into submission. The KMT forces moved slowly building a series of defenses as they did so. The strategy succeeded and in 12 months the KMT had seized over half of the communist territory killing 60,000 red army soldiers. KMT tactics led to a split within CCP leadership as the CCP leadership wanted to launch a full-scale attack on the KMT that Mao was opposed to. The attack failed and CCP suffered serious losses -
Japanese Attack the Great Wall Region/Japan Aggression
Japanese forces attacked the Great Wall region near Peking leading to the establishment of a demilitarised zone protecting Japan's puppet state from attack by KMT forces. Local agreements with warlords gave japan influence over other Northern provinces. -
Unemployment And Land Ownership In the 30s
It is estimated that by 1934 over 60 million Chinese people were landless and unemployed. (Nanking Failure) -
Chiangs New Life movement
In a speech he delivered, he argued that the movement was an attempt to revive traditional Chinese values in the interests of China's future. This speech was similar to ones made by fascists leaders like Hitler/Mussolini. It was clear that the movement was to reinforce Chiang's power by encouraging loyalty and obedience to a single leader. -
The Long March under the CCP
Following the failure of a full-scale attack on the KMT, the CCP leadership decided on a 'long march' retreat from Kiangsi province to Yenan. 90,000 communists embarked on the long journey. The communists were instructed to march in a straight line making them easily predictable. They were also carrying unnecessary items slowing their progress and eventually they were attacked by the KMT in Xiang where they lost half of their men and the survivors were constantly pursued by the KMT. -
Chiang Introduces censorship of media (unpopularity)
Due to Chiangs increasing fascination with European fascism, by 1937 no progress had been made towards establishing Sun's third stage of the revolution, a democratic constitution. This is seen with him censoring press, films, and books with civil liberties curtailed and any criticism of his gov leading to imprisonment or in the case of 2 newspaper editors, death. He justified this by claiming the development of China was more important than individuals -
Chiang launches programme to provide 1 yr Primary Education
Chiang launched the program that was designed to provide 1 yr primary education to a greater proportion of school-age children over the next 5 years. However, the quality of education was low and the programmes topped following the outbreak of war against Japan. (Nanking Failure) -
Example of Maos Propaganda
The Red Army defeated a large and well-equipped KMT force at Luding Bridge over the Dadu River near Yenan. Relaible evidence suggests that the bridge was guarded by a small group of warlord soldiers who fled upon seeing the Red Army. Mao ensured accounts of the Long March were tales of extreme bravery and courage. -
The Long March under Mao
The early disasters in the Long March were blamed on the CCP and control of the Red Army was handed over to Mao who made tactical changes. He rid unnecessary items and instead of marching in a straight line, he ordered the communists to march in a less predictable manner. He split the army into units making them less easy to detect. The terrain was difficult and the marchers faced some warlords. 10,000-20,000 survivors reached Yenan and Mao developed a safe base and began to rebuild his army. -
Period: to
Chinas Spending in the Nanking Decade
Evidence suggests that by the mid-30s 405 of all of the gov income was used to sully the military and less than 5% was spent on education and almost nothing on social welfare schemes. (Nanking Decade failures) -
Period: to
The Establishment of the Yenan Soviet
The CCP established the town of Yenan in the Shensi province as their headquarters and this was to remain so between 1936-1948. Mao insisted that CCP members including its leaders lived and worked among the local peasant population. This together with the provision of healthcare and education enhanced the CCP's popularity with the peasant population. -
The Xian Incident
4 Dec Chiang goes to Xian and 12 Dec Zhang, after rejection from Chiang to stop the Japanese, orders his men to storm Chiang's room. Chiang escapes but is arrested and Zhang/Yang demand the KMT gov to stop the war on the CCP and address Japanese aggression. Some in the KMT wanted to attack but others opted for negotiations. Zhang supporters wanted to execute Chiang whilst others wanted negotiations to ensure he would shift focus. The CCP advised by the Russians influenced Zhang to negotiate. -
The formation of the Second United Front
Influenced by the Russians who feared for its interests due to Japanese aggression and recognized the importance of having Chiang as the KMT leader Chou in the CCP began negotiations. Chiang agreed to cease his campaigns against the CCP and to collaborate with it in resisting Japan. This became the 2nd United Front. Chiang agreed to release some CCP prisoners granting him freedom. The new front had benefits/weaknesses -
Edgar Snow visits Yenan Soviet (Mao Propaganda)
Edgar spent 4 months in the soviet and in his book 'the red star over china he praised the accomplishments of the communists. However due to the language barrier he and other foreigners did not see that schools were being used as propaganda vehicles. They also did not see the violent measures used to confiscate land and secure Mao's leadership. -
The Start of the Second Sino-Japanese War
Japan invaded China, causing the 2nd Sino-Japanese War. 7 months before The 2nd United Front was formed but the Red Army was isolated in Shensi. Initial resistance was from KMT forces who were no match for the well-prepared Japanese forces who had modern weapons. By the end of 1937, the gov retreated from its HQ to Western China. Cities suffered brutal treatment from the Japanese. Around 300,00 ppl were killed in Nanking. They used chemical/biological warfare and the 'scorched earth policy. -
Mao on Revolution/The Way Forward in his book
In his book titled 'problems of strategy in guerrilla war' Mao detailed that unlike the ideas of the '28 Bolsheviks' who wanted to execute a revolution in China similar to the one in Russia, he believed that the revolution should be tailored to China. Therefore, he argued that it must be led by China's mainly peasant population. As a result, he instigated policies to ensure: 1. CCP gained support from the peasants 2. He became the undisputed CCP leader. -
The End of the Sino-Japanese War
To stop the Japanese, Chiang ordered the destruction of dikes on the Yellow River dam causing floods killing 500k-1M Chinese, destroying farmlands(starvation). Japan stopped and took control over earlier acquired areas. CCP took little part in the war but propaganda suggested the Red Army was more successful than the KMT forces helping them recruit new members as they were an alt to the gov. Japan had no interest in the regions they had and they were focused on areas the Japanese were vacating. -
Maos Book 'on the new democracy'
The book outlined his plans for what he termed a 'democratic dictatorship. He argued that the CCP should form a single-party gov of China with complete and uncontested control over its affairs. The CCP should also respond to the needs of the Chinese people, particularly the peasants. His vision of a peasant revolution was not shared by all in the CCP with Wang Ming and the '28 bolsheviks' believing the revolution should be led by the urban working class as in Russia. -
Period: to
The Rectification Movement
Mao began the movement with discussions for CCP recruits. By 1942 all members were required to read/make suggestions on Mao's writing and CCP policies. Those who did so were arrested and accused of individualism. Wang Ming was publicly humiliated in the movement under Kang Sheng. Members exposed those who disagreed with CCP policies. Leaders were removed from office and 60 were forced to commit suicide. In 1944 Mao ended the movement and had secured his position and removed potential opposition. -
Wang Ching Wei Passes
Wangs gov in Wuhan collapsed after a warlord sympathetic to Chiang took control. His political career from then on was inconsistent and he sometimes held roles in Changes gov or attempted to establish gov to rival Chiangs until his death. -
USA statistics on Nanking Successes (biased)
The survey reported an increase in highways from 28,000km in 1927 to 109,747km in 1936 as well as an increase in the number of factories from 1,347 in 1927 to 2,695 in 1936. However, it is possible that these are biased as they were published during the CCP vs KMT war and the USA did support, Chiang. Such bias is seen as they report that number of factories did increase between 1913 and 1927 showing that industrialization began before Chiang was in power. -
USAs Dixie mission sent to the Yenan Soviet
President Franklin D Roosevelt sent a number of military and diplomatic observers to Yenan (Dixie Mission) to evaluate the CCPs social, economic, and military achievements in comparison to those of the KMTs. Similar to other visitors they praised the CCP. -
The end of the Chinese Civil War
KMTs failure to prevent the Japanese attacks decreased KMT's popularity and conversely, the CCP was growing. Following the removal of Japanese forces from China after WW2, a full-scale war broke out between the CCP and KMT. The war ended in 1949 with communists taking over mainland China creating the Peoples' Republic of China and the nationalist gov retreating to Taiwan.