Ming dynasty map

China 1400-1915

  • Early 15th Century

    Early 15th Century
    China built huge fleets that allowed them to travel to East Africa. However, they stop their voyages. The Chinese society became isolated.
  • 1405: Zheng He Voyage

    1405: Zheng He Voyage
    Zheng He is sent out to explore. He searches for land to conquer in order to expand the Ming Empire.
  • 1644: End of Ming Dynasty

    1644: End of Ming Dynasty
    The Ming dynasty was in a state of decline. They needed some help to calm down the rebellions taking place. Instead if getting help, they got conquered.
  • The Qing Dynasty Begins 1644

    The Qing warriors took out the Ming Empire when they were called to help calm a peasant uprising. The Qing rose and the became knowns as the Manchu Dynasty.
  • 1773: Opium in China

    The British traders brought opium,a drug, into China. This drug became very addictive and destructive.
  • White Lotus Rebellions : 1794

    White Lotus Rebellions : 1794
    This rebellion was led by angry Buddhists. These Buddhists were upset because of frustration over taxes and of the government corruption.
  • 1838: No More Opium!

    1838: No More Opium!
    The Emperor of Manchu saw the negative effects of Opium and decided to stop Opium from coming into China. Opium was not allowed to be sold or used.
  • Opium War: 1839

    Opium War: 1839
    British had the right to import trade into China ,but by China cutting off the Opium it violated that right. The two countries then fought over the opium trade.
  • Treaty Of Nanjing:1842

    Treaty Of Nanjing:1842
    China could not fight against Britians strong military. China was then forced to sign this treaty which acted almost as a "peace" treaty. By signing the treaty, Britian was given rights to expand trade with China.
  • 1843:Britian + Hong Kong

    1843:Britian + Hong Kong
    Britian took control of Hong Kong. They together had a trading relationship. A British colony was then established in Hong Kong.
  • Second Opium War: 1856

    Second Opium War: 1856
    Britian wanted to expand the trade of Opium much further into the country. China refused which led to another war. China lost the war again which caused the trade to open to all of Europe.
  • Taiping Rebellion: 1851-1864

    Taiping Rebellion: 1851-1864
    This rebellion was a continuation of the White Lotus Rebellion. A Zealot who claimed to be the brother of Jesus attempted to overthrow the Manchu governemnt with an army. They failed.
  • Self-Srengthening Movement 1860's

    The Manchu dynasty was trying to rebuild their country to be strong and powerful. However,this did no good. These attempts involved westernization.
  • Korean Independence: 1876

    Korean Independence: 1876
    Korea realized how China had no power,so they took the oppurtunity to declare themselevs as independent. China could not control their decisions since they were very weak.
  • Sino-French War 1883

    Sino-French War 1883
    In a moment of China's weakness, they lost control of Vietnam. The French came in and took control over Vietnam. A colony was formed called Indochina.
  • Treaty of Shimonoseki 1895

    Treaty of Shimonoseki 1895
    China was then forced to give up the control of Taiwan to Japan. The Japanese were granted trading rights like the Europeans.
  • Boxer Rebellion: 1900s

    Boxer Rebellion: 1900s
    A group of people who were against the Manchu and Europeans (called Boxer) came together to do something about the Manchu's defeats. Boxers wanted to remove Europe and Japanese people out of China. This rebellion failed.
  • Examination System 1905

    Examination System 1905
    The Chinese Examination System was elimated entirely from the culture due to a lot of cheating and favoritsm occurring.
  • Spheres Of Influence:1910

    Spheres Of Influence:1910
    Europeans wanted to have a higher prescence in China. As a result, the Speres of Influneced allowed Europe to get pieces of China to invest infrastructure in.
  • Qing Rule= Over

    Qing Rule= Over
    There was a lot of rebellions occurring in China by peasants. The government of the Qing was already declining. The last emperor was removed from his position. A republic was then established in China after the Qing Rule crumbled.