Child soldiers are nothin new
The use of child soldiers was first originally used way back to the time of 1863 in what is now called modern day Russia. "freedom is than one generation away from extinction. We didnt pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same." There is between 7,000 and 10,000 soldiers serving in war under 18 years old in the District of Chad. -
Child Soldiers in armed groups
over 100,000 child soldiers have been released from armed groups and reintegrated into their communities. -
Optional protocal
United Nations adopted an Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict. "War itself is the enemy of human race." The group of ISIS is recruiting children 13-17 years old as spies. -
Child Recruitment
Forbids governments and armed groups to recruit children and young people under 18 for armed conflicts. -
Child Soldiers Act
President George W. Bush signed passed the law of Child Soldiers Accountability Act. "They fight like soldiers, they die like children." Africa has a sum of 200,000 to 300,000 child soldiers alone. -
Demobilizes child soldiers
District of Chad demobilizes the recruitment of child soldiers. Expert Opinion:
Complex Trauma Task Force regarding best practices for the treatment of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Ratings from a mail-in survey from 25 complex PTSD experts and 25 classic PTSD experts regarding the most appropriate treatment approaches and interventions for complex PTSD were examined for areas of consensus and disagreement. -
Military aid
US gives military aid to foreighn governments with the use of child soldiers. Chold soldiers in Africa make up 40% of the population.