
Children Literature

  • John Newberry

    A man named John Newberry opened a children's book store where he would sell books to the public. Prior to this, children were simply only given folded sheets of chalkboard
  • Pinocchio Published

    Pinocchio Published
    Pinocchio was published in various countries all over the world like Italy,
  • Publishing of Alice and Wonderland

    Publishing of Alice and Wonderland
    Revolutionary kick on in children's literature.
  • Child Labor Laws

    Child Labor Laws
    First child labor laws were passed which allowed every child to go to school and get an education. Children learn to read and write through their access to education
  • Macmillan Department

    The publishing of Macmillan launched a department devoted entirely to children books
  • John Newberry Award

    John Newberry Award
    Jonn Newberry was published by the American Library Association.
  • Helen Dean Fish and May Massee

    Helen Dean Fish and May Massee
    Because the first two women publishers
  • The Horn Book Magazine

    The Horn Book Magazine
    Was published by the Bookshop for Boys and Girls in Boston
  • May Massee Book Department

    May Massee Book Department
    May Masse opened a children's book department in Viking
  • Young adult novels

    Young adult novels
    beginning in the 1920s through 1960s young adult novels became a huge hit in libraries and schools.
  • Lack of Diversity

    Lack of Diversity
    There was a lack of diversity in children books and Harriet Rohmer established Children's Book press. This publication was devoted to producing bilingual picture books that showed a broader span of diversity.
  • Just Us

    Just Us was established to address the lack of diversity in the field, and forward thinking