Textile Industry on the Rise
By the 1860s, there was a steady increase in the amount of factories located in North and South Carolina. These consisted of water-powered mills located near rivers and the newly constructed railroad lines. This industry was quickly rising so work was plentiful for everyone, lincluding men, women, and children. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textile_manufacture_during_the_Industrial_Revolution -
Working Men's Party
In 1876, the Working Men's Party were the first to make an initiative to making there be an age limit for children workers. They proposed that children should not be able to be emplyed before the age of fourteen. They were not taken seriously however. Sadly, not much progress was made. http://www.socialwelfarehistory.com/programs/child-labor-reform-an-introduction/ -
American Federation of Labor
Started by Samuel Gompers, the AFL made it possible for some labor unions to be formed in order for the workers to be able to speak up to their employers in efforts to to do something against the long, underpaid hours they were expected to complete. This made for child labor laws to be passed. The AFL consisted of many unions and organizations that came together to fight for the same causes, making their words be heard all over the nation, not just regionally. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amer -
National Child Labor Committee
In 1904 the National Child Committee froms and aggressively fights for child labor laws to be not only established, but that they be followed through. This committee was forced to put on a strong fight since other attempts to make child laws perminent continuously failed. http://www.nationalchildlabor.org/history.html http://www.nationalchildlabor.org/history.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNeBgpuNMSI -
Lewis W. Hine http://www.nationalchildlabor.org/history.html
Lewis Hine took it upon himself to mkae a social change by taking photographs of the dreadful working conditions of adults and of children. His most passionate work was photographing the true expressions of children laborers. He was aspired to share the images in order to make laws be enforced harder. Hine is the most famous photographer in capturing the true images of poor workers during this industrial time period.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukImvupISHE -
"Child Labor in the Carolinas"
This was a sign that the social reform movement was on the rise and gaining momentum. Contrasting view on chld labor were brought up and discussed with greater detail. Discipline vs. Work Ethic diputes came about because of this. This pamphlet emphasized the wrongdoings of childlabor but did not make for laws to be passed. http://docsouth.unc.edu/nc/childlabor/summary.html -
Cotton Textile Institute
The CTI played a very important role in making sure that Roosevelt's New Deal was brought about. It's headquarters was located in Charlotte, NC. This organization strived to increase the cooperation among the textile companies so that there would be less of a competition between them, meaning that the companies would feel that they had to make much more money than their rival.
http://www.northcarolinahistory.org/encyclopedia/415/entry/ -
Fair Labor Standards Act
Signed by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act banned oppressive child labor and set a minimum wage at twenty-five cents and hour in industries. This act was seen as a landmark law to the entire nation's economic and social development. Roosevelt had to fight hard to get this New Deal law set in place because of such major hesitation of factory owners. Increases in wage and age have been gradually made. http://www.dol.gov/oasam/programs/history/flsa1938.htm