childhood timeline

  • 7000 BCE

    Torture by "children" (GREEK)

    Torture by "children" (GREEK)
    Many women were tortured and killed for having children. Since at that time it was frowned upon to have children.
  • 300 BCE

    Children education (GREEK)

    Children education (GREEK)
    In these years children were educated in a better way for a better future of society since they were considered the future of society.
  • 400

    Child abuse (GREEK, ROMAN)

    Child abuse (GREEK, ROMAN)
    At this time children were sexually abused, as it was believed that having intimate relations between adults and children would make the children acquire knowledge. At this time morality mattered little.
  • 1300

    Unnoticed children

    Unnoticed children
    In the Middle Ages, children's childhood was something that went unnoticed, since parents did not care about the development and growth of children, they were only sent to nurseries and monasteries to avoid having to take care of them.
  • 1500

    Abuse and fear

    Abuse and fear
    Children had a bitter time during the Renaissance, because at that time fear and abuse were used as a way to raise them.
  • Tabula rasa and illustration

    Tabula rasa and illustration
    For Locke, children are born with a state of mind called "tabula rasa" in which the mind at first is like a blank sheet of paper, which is filled in through life experiences. He suggested a model of education based on the importance of childhood. Schools also emerged at this time that had a model of education based on the importance of childhood and the capacities that can be exploited in these early years of life.
  • Industrial revolution

    Industrial revolution
    The industrial revolution came and with it changes in society, economy and many other aspects. In this era, due to the exploitative capitalism, children were forced to work to survive in the big cities, exposing themselves to slight risks up to death
  • A belated relief :)

    A belated relief :)
    The rights of children are indisputably and inalienably defined, and childhood is also defined as "any person under 18 years of age" (1989, UNICEF). To this day, children are a protected group worldwide, because they are the future and have the right to fully enjoy their childhood so that they can be an asset to society.