7000 BCE
It was very common to observe how mothers denigrated girls, how they punished mothers and
how they killed newborn children in a very violent way. -
300 BCE
Greek: Education for the men of tomorrow
In antiquity, it became important to educate children because they began to be considered the
citizens of the future, and they were subjected to informal labor, making abuse and infanticide a daily practice. -
Rome: Adults of small size
Childhood didn't exist because children participated in adult life, they participated in sexual acts
and murders against them decreased. -
Middle Ages
Children in the Middle Ages were frowned upon because adults did not care about them and only
focused on Christianity, forgetting about the physical and mental development of children. -
Erasmus of Rotterdam
He was interested in describing the nature of children. -
John Locke
A child is neither good nor bad, his actions in the future will depend on his education and
experiences. -
Industrial Revolution
It decreased child labor but oriented the education of children towards the use of machines and
production, which helped children begin to have more time for themselves, to play and to have a role in
society. -
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
A child is a good being and will remain so unless perverted by society -
Immanuel Kant
A child should be allowed to behave freely, except when he interferes with the freedom of others,
and parents should educate him to adapt to the world and be able to improve it. -
Your dad is here
The father begins to have more protagonism in the life of the children, becoming more interested,
the parents became more aware of how to train and educate them. -
Sigmund Freud
Describes how personality develops during childhood, children go through psychosexual stages
that lead to the development of their personality. -
It's the UN agency in charge of promoting the rights and welfare of children and adolescents
around the world. -
UN: Child protection
The United Nations General Assembly decrees the declaration of the rights of the child as a
commitment among the countries belonging to the UN to ensure the protection of children. -
All children have rights
In the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, a national children's agreement was reached,
which has contributed to transforming the lives of the world's children. -
Children's rights
Thanks to the establishment of children's rights, the world has made a commitment to ensure the
integrity and safety of children, which is why there are organizations that are responsible for ensuring that
these rights are fully complied with. -
Childhood today
There are approximately 2.3 billion children in the world, almost a third of the total human population. By law, children are considered to be people who have not reached the age of majority in their country. Regardless of their age, all children, just like adults, have human rights, including the right to speak up and express opinions, as well as the rights to equality, health, education, a clean environment, a safe place to live and protection from all kinds of harm.