Childhood in history

  • 7000 BCE


    Mothers beat their children with sticks when they were still in the cradle, put their children in ice water every morning to "strengthen" them, a practice that caused the death of children.
  • Period: 1401 to 1500

    Children were seen as sinful beings and full of evil

    And this meant that adults did not show even the slightest interest in their physical and mental development. Girls were not taken into account, their life goal was to grow up submissive to men.
  • Period: 1401 to


    Women abandoned their children to show love for their husbands.
  • Period: to

    Sexual abuse of children

    Where they say that "playing with the genitals of children was part of a generalized tradition."
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    The children were neither good nor bad and their actions and education will determine their lives in the future.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    -The role of children began to be required in society.
    - It represents a massive change in the role of children. This happens because with the development of new machines and factories, the child's role in physical labor became something new.
  • Period: to


    Says that he was against cribs because there were many "moody nannies who, instead of calming the baby's restlessness, often got excited".
  • Parents whip their children for not knowing lessons like reading

    Parents whip their children for not knowing lessons like reading
    Drawing, etc. Since they say that pain leads to effort and this will make them people with more qualities.
  • Period: to

    Parents overprotected children

    They were more likely to be only children and are increasingly pressured to do more by 'helicopter parents' who are constantly checking on them to prevent harm.
  • The family as a companion

    The family as a companion
    The family merged into an affectionate and united unit.
  • Freud's conception of child

    Freud's conception of child
    He proposed that personality development in childhood takes place during five psychosexual stages, which are the oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital stages.
  • Today's Children

    Today's Children
    Children must be raised to face the world when they grow up. Furthermore, what defines a child depends on many factors to know when a child becomes an adult.
  • The State of the world's children(paramilitary violence against children).

    The State of the world's children(paramilitary violence against children).
    Childhood, which means much more than the time between birth and adulthood, refers to the state and condition of a child's life: The quality of those years lived. A child kidnapped by a paramilitary group and forced to bear arms and subjected to sexual slavery where he cannot enjoy his childhood.
  • The rights he sought to be granted to children

    The rights he sought to be granted to children
    The Convention itself was already an innovation that recognized children as persons with rights that must be respected in the same way as the rights of adults. As such, the treaty has contributed to considerable progress for millions of children, but those who have been left behind are still very many.