Period: 3000 BCE to 300 BCE
Ancient ages
State was in charge of the education of children Education and chilhood in ancient ages:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TNA3bvuf0M -
300 BCE
Grecia: Conception of liberal education and integral development (body and mind)
Philosophers like Aristotle and Plutarch, wrote about education for the children. Plutarch enfatized in To form character in young people and know the individuality of the students. In the other hand, Aristotle, talked about it is neccesary to teach the children activities of the adult age. -
300 BCE
Roma: "To embellish the soul of young people through rhetoric"
The education was divided in tree stages:
- Ludus or elementary school (7-12 years)
- Gramatic or prose, theater, poetry (12 - 16 years)
- Rhetoric or study techniques of speech and declamation (since 16 years) -
Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1492
Christianity and middle ages
The main objective of education was to prepare the child to serve God, the Church and its representatives, with a complete submission to the authority of the Church. The children was considered mini adults Education and childhood in middle ages:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBfcRvKjkU8 -
Jan 1, 1100
Middle ages
Liberal education disappears. The objective of education is to prepare the child to serve God, the Church and its representatives, with a complete subjection to the authority of the Church. It eliminates physical education because it is considered that the body is a source of sin. -
Period: Jan 1, 1401 to
Renaissance to XVII century
When the industrial revolution occur, many children abandoned the fabric and they came back to school Childhood in renaissance
http://italianrenaissanceresources.com/units/unit-2/essays/children/ -
Jan 1, 1500
Interest in child education
- Erasmo, (De Pueris, 1530), it was interested in the nature of childhood
- Luis Vives, he was interested in child evolution, individual differences
Interest in girl education
- Comenius, he said that it was neccesary educate girls and boys, and the mom was the first teacher
- Héroard, he was at favor of fisic punnishment to correct behaviors
- Locke, The experiences will determine the behavior
The good child
Rousseau, the child is good naturally. It´s the society that damage the child behaviour. Also, he critic the memoristc method of teaching -
The kindergarten
Froebel, promove the idea of kindergarten. The importance of the play in the life of a kid and the neccesity of interaction betwen child and parents. -
Period: to
XVIII-XIX century
Star in the middle of XIX, the scientific study of children, that involve thecnic of upbringing and childhood education -
Rigths of the children
The laws star to protect the kids in the industry. -
The right to education
France instaured the right to education for the children -
Period: to
XX- XXI Century
Protect the childhood
The League of Nations, the international comunity put more importance in the childhood. For that, was create a Committee for the Protection of Children. -
Rights of the children
The League of Nations, aprove the Declaration of the Rights of the Child or Declaration of Ginebra. It was the first international politic about children rights. It was base on the works of the doctor Janusz Korczak. -
Help to the children
After the Second World War, the UNICEF stablished a few programs destinated to offer education, good health, drinking water, and food to the children. -
For a good childhood
The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Throughout 54 articles the document establishes the economic, social and cultural rights of children. -
Child doesn´t use arms
The Optional Protocol to the International Charter on the Rights of the Child, which addresses the involvement of children in armed conflict, was ratified and entered into force in 2002. This document prohibits minors from participating in armed conflicts. -
The way is long
Approximately 124 million children and adolescents were out of school, and two out of five children left primary school without having learned to read and write, and without the basic notions of arithmetic. Excessive prolongation of conflicts exacerbates this problem. Nearly 250 million children live in countries and areas affected by armed conflict, and millions more bear the worst effects of climate-related disasters and chronic crises.