
Childhood in history

  • 700 BCE


    comúnmente mataban a los niños recién nacidos de forma muy violenta, se observaba cómo las madres denigraban a las niñas, cómo castigaban a las madres.
  • 400 BCE

    Greek and Roman sexualization of children

    Greek and Roman sexualization of children
    Children were once considered the property of their parents. Like any other object, they can determine your life. It is common to view some children as an inescapable burden. In ancient times, many excuses were used to allow adults to use children's lives as they wished.
  • 800

    The child as a miniature adult and reincarnation of his mother

    The child as a miniature adult and reincarnation of his mother
    The child was taken as a miniature adult who represented the reincarnation of his ancestors and who with actions was in charge of taking care of those around him when necessary by taking different representations.
    -Childhood did not exist or was portrayed.
    -The infanticide was reduced for the legitimate children,
  • 1300

    Middle age

    Middle age
    Los padres utilizan métodos duros para prepararlos para la edad adulta y ven la infancia como un obstáculo.En la Edad Media, los padres comenzaron a comprender la importancia de la crianza, pero temían que los niños fueran enviados a jardines de infancia, conventos o incluso a trabajar o simplemente a otras familias. La infancia se ve simplemente como un trampolín hacia la edad adulta y una forma de apoyar a los niños y las generaciones futuras.
  • 1400

    The use of the child as a “toilet” for adult projections

    The use of the child as a “toilet” for adult projections
    In those days, it was very common to use the child as a vehicle to reflect the predictions and behaviors of the adults of the time. In addition, the belief that children are about to become completely evil creatures is one of the reasons why they are bound or locked up for so long and so tightly.
  • 1530

    Erasmus of Rotterdam

    Erasmus of Rotterdam
    Became interested in the nature of the children
  • industrial revolution

    industrial revolution
    Disminuyó el trabajo infantil pero orientó la educación de los niños hacia el uso de las máquinas y la producción, lo que ayudó a que los niños empezaran a tener más tiempo para sí mismos, para jugar y para tener un papel en la sociedad.
  • Early 19th century

    Families were much more than they are today. This is partly due to the high infant mortality rate. People give birth to many children and accept that not all survive.
    - Churches provide schools for poor children.
    Childhood begins to become an important research topic.
    - Childhood becomes an issue not only for the family but also for the state.
    - Child neglect has been greatly reduced.
  • contribution to children's rights

    contribution to children's rights
    In the mid-19th century, the idea of special protection for children emerged in France, which contributed to the gradual development of children's rights. Since 18
    1, the law monopolizes child labor, and since 1881, the French system has guaranteed children's right to education.
  • only the action of the state could guarantee a childhood for all children

    only the action of the state  could guarantee a childhood for all children
    Around 1900, virtually all Western countries had laws prohibiting or restricting child labor. However, this year's US Census report shows that nearly two million children are in paid work.
    As Hugh Cunningham explains, people began to believe that "only the action of the state could guarantee a childhood for all children", and the child began to take a place "somewhere near the center of the world". of the political agenda of the modern state"
  • Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    Describing how personality develops during childhood, children go through the psychological stages that lead to their personality development.
  • the change of the family

    the change of the family
    family becomes a mass of love and unity, social scientists and educators argue that children should have "greater freedom from parental control, freedom to express emotions, and more adolescent interactions with peers."

    The UNCRC Committee on the Rights of the Child has attached two treaties, one of which requires the government to ensure that children under the age of 18 are not forced into employment. Part two calls on states to ban child prostitution, child pornography and the sale of children into slavery.