Childhood history

  • 7000 BCE


    Children in the ancient times were seen as things. It was not well seen that women had newbornd children, that is why newborns were killed or tortured in horrible ways.
  • 320 BCE

    The citizens of the future

    The citizens of the future
    In the ancient greek society, boys were trained to be great citizens of the polis in the future (women and slaves were not citizens). Around this era, infanticide was a common ocurrence.
  • 1350

    Just manpower

    Just manpower
    Infanticide was stills an every day ocurrence, children were only valued based on the manpower they were capable to give, and even were considered as "evil" beings.
  • 1405

    Children, just objects

    Children, just objects
    Children were bound to be under the total control of the parents, who could even sell them. Children had to be 100% obedient and respectfull, otherwise, they wpuld be severly punished.
  • 1500

    Era of terror

    Era of terror
    In this era, feear was the most common tool for adults to control children.
  • 1550

    Children in the pre - industrialization

    Children in the pre - industrialization
    Children were still seen as manpower, they had to help their parents with the hard work for many hours, even in early ages.
  • Children adn the industrial revolution

    Children adn the industrial revolution
    Thanks to the new machines in the industrialization, children gradually ceased to be used as merely manpower, now it was just when they were old enough to do so.
  • the importance of infancy

    the importance of infancy
    In the early 19th century, infancy began to be an important object of study. Abandoning children became somethind rather incommon and not well seen. Children became important not only for the family, but also for the state.
  • Children expresion

    Children expresion
    Educators and parents began to encourage children to express themselfs.

    UNICEF is created in order to ensure the fulfilment of children’s rights in a safe, caring, participatory and protective environment.
  • Childhood today

    Childhood today
    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history. In these years, children rights became an important matter since they are considered to be the future of the planet.