
Childhood History

  • Period: 100 to

    Swaddled Children. 5th Century B.C. to 16th Century.

    Almost all nations swaddled. In ancient Egypt, where it is claimed children were not swaddled because paintings showed them naked, swaddling may have been practiced and occasional figurines showed swaddling clothes. Swaddling was so taken for granted that the evidence for length of swaddling is quite spotty prior to early moderntimes. ight swaddling, often including strapping to carrying-boards, continued throughout the Middle Ages, but I have not yet been able to find out for how many months.
  • Period: 101 to 399

    Infanticidal Mode. Antiquity to 4th Century.

    The image of Medea hovers over childhood in antiquity, for myth here only reflects reality. Some facts are more important than others, and when parents routinely resolved their anxieties about taking care of children by killing them, it affected the surviving children profoundly. For those who were allowed to grow up, the projective reaction was paramount, and the concreteness of reversal was evident in the widespread sodomizing of the child.
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    Children have always taken care of adults. 2nd Century.

    Children have always taken care of adults. 2nd Century.
    Ever since Roman times, boys and girls waited on their parents at table, and in the Middle Ages all children except royalty acted as servants, either at home or for others, often running home from school at noon to wait on their parents.
  • Period: 399 to Aug 29, 1299

    Abandoning Mode. 4th Century to 13th Century.

    Once parents began to accept the child as having a soul, the only way they could escape the dangers of their own projections was by abandonment, whether to the wet nurse, to the monastery or nunnery, to foster families, to the homes of other nobles as servants or hostages, or by severe emotional abandonment at home.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Importance of playing. 11th Century.

    Importance of playing. 11th Century.
    Plato said that games were an important part of children's nature and upbringing. He saw a connection with children's play and their later roles in life. This made him focus efforts on educating children for their future professions.
  • Period: Aug 28, 1301 to

    Ambivalent Mode. 14th Century to 17th Century.

    Because the child, when it was allowed to enter into the parents’ emotional life, was still a container for dangerous projections, it was their task to mold it into shape. From Dominici to Locke there was no image more popular than that of the physical molding of children, who were seen as soft wax, plaster, or clay to be beaten into shape. Enormous ambivalence marks this mode.
  • Modern grade school. 17th Century,

    Modern grade school. 17th Century,
    Comenius created an education reform where he lays the foundation for modern grade schools by creating an organization that supported the foundation of teaching where each grade paved the way for the next successive one.
  • Children playing with terror masks. 17th Century.

    Children playing with terror masks. 17th Century.
    There is some evidence that the use of masked figures to frighten children goes back to antiquity. Jacques Stella printed it.
  • Period: to

    Intrusive Mode. 18th Century.

    A tremendous reduction in projection and the virtual disappearance of reversal was the accomplishment of the great transition for parent-child relations which appeared in the eighteenth century. The child was no longer so full of dangerous projections, and rather than just examine its insides with an enema, the parents approached even closer and attempted to conquer its mind, in order to control its insides, its anger, its needs, its masturbation, its very will.
  • Period: to

    Socializing Mode. 19th Century to Mid-20th Century.

    s projections continued to diminish, the raising of a child became less a process of conquering its will than of training it, guiding it into proper paths, teaching it to conform, socializing it. The socializing mode is still thought of by most people as the only model within which discussion of child care can proceed, and it has been the source of all twentieth-century psychological models, from Freud’s “channeling of impulses” to Skinner’s behaviorism.
  • Concept of kindergarden. 19th Century.

    Concept of kindergarden. 19th Century.
    Fröbel laid the foundation for modern education based on the realization that children have unique needs and capabilities. Using this knowledge, he created the concept of Kindergarten. He also designed a series of toys for children that later would be called "Fröbel Gifts."
  • Child’s Sleeping-Belt. 19th Century.

    Child’s Sleeping-Belt. 19th Century.
    These devices seemed to be more commonly used in the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries than in medieval times, but this could be due to the paucity of earlier sources.
  • George Payne, the child in human process. 20th Century.

    George Payne, the child in human process. 20th Century.
    Payne was the first to examine the wide extent of infanticide and brutality toward children in the past.
  • Declaration of the rights of the child. 20th Century.

    Declaration of the rights of the child. 20th Century.
    The declaration of the rights of the child promoted his/her rights. It stands:
    1. The child must be given the means requisite for its normal development, both materially and spiritually.
    2. The child must be the first to receive relief in times of distress.
    3. The child must be put in a position to earn a livelihood, and must be protected against every form of exploitation.
    4. he child must be brought up in the consciousness that its talents must be devoted to the service of its fellow men.
  • NAEYC is founded. 20th Century.

    NAEYC is founded. 20th Century.
    The National Association for the Education of Young Children is founded. It is a large nonprofit association in the United States representing early childhood education teachers, para-educators, center directors, trainers, college educators, families of young children, policy makers, and advocates.
  • Period: to

    Day care movement. 20th Century.

    WWII played an important role in the stablishment of the day care movement, because mothers were encouraged to work and therefore needed a place for their children to do during the work day.
  • Period: to

    Helping Mode. Mid-20th Century.

    It involves that the child is able to know, at each stage of its life, what is better than his/her parent. This mode demads a great amount of time, energy and discussion. It is and exhaustive process, mainly in the first six years where many aspect get stronger.
  • The preschool for al initiative. 21st Century.

    The preschool for al initiative. 21st Century.
    Obama promoted the initiative "Preschool for all". It created high quakity oreschool nationwide. It promotes education to children under 4 years old.