Period: 1200 BCE to 100
Greece and Rome
A thirteen-year-old was considered an adult and could be able to marry, although this was not usual. In Greece, when moms gave birth, they presented the baby to the father. If he felt he was weak or sick, he could refuse it. -
Period: 400 to 1400
Middle Age
Childhood was described as "very fragile age". Infant mortality due to natural causes was very high: diseases, poor diet, inadequate care and treatment and because of accidents (oversights).
Children were relatively undervalued and only the who had exceeded 4-5 or even 6 years acquired value -
Period: 476 to
The goal is to prepare the child to serve God, the Church and their representatives, with complete submission to the authority of the Church. -
First asylum
Dateo of Milan founded the first asylum for abandoned infants -
Child beating law
Beating a Child was approved unless the child was beated to death, then, law would apply -
Period: 1300 to
There is a boom in the observations of children who reveal a new interest in child development.
People express interest in the evolution of the child, in individual differences, in the education of "abnormal", and in the need for ADAPTATION of education to different cases and levels. -
Child innocence
Giovanni Dominici said children after the age of 3 should not be allowed to see nude adults -
Period: to
He insists that both boys and girls should be educated, and in the role of the mother as the first educator. Defend compulsory schooling up to 12 years -
Abbot Bérulle
In the 17th century, Abbot Bérulle wrote: "There is no worse state, more vile and abject, after death, than childhood" -
Child Selling
Theodore, Arch-bishop of Catenbury ruled "A man might not sell . his son into slavery after the age of 7" -
Period: to
He insists that the experience will leave its mark ... This means, the child is not born good or bad, but everything he gets to do and be depends on his experiences. -
Period: to
Punishment for Masturbation
It included circumcision, clitoridectomy, infibulation, among others -
Children locked as punishment
As a subtitute of beating, parents would shut children up in dark closets for hours or left them locked in rooms for several days -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Many children stop having to go to work and they have “too many hours of leisure” that they must occupy with some activity. Hence, the need to educate them becomes a primary objective. -
Agency of the United Nations Organization that provides humanitarian and development assistance to children in developing countries -
Helping mode
proposition that the child knows better than the parent what it needs at each stage of its lif -
Declaration of the rights of the child
Children's rights convention