
childhood, adolescence, youth

  • childhood

    in my childhood I remember that I liked to eat a lot of bananas, I liked to go to the park when playing with my cousins, I listened to the song of azereje and I spent hours listening to that kind of music and my favorite movies were toy story, hercules and cold dogs
  • adolescent

    In my adolescence, my favorite food was sweets, I did not stop eating sweets all the time, my hobbies were putting together puzzles and playing soccer, at that time the song of cold play was released alive to life that became one of my favorite songs until the date and the movie that I liked a lot was of the curios case of benjamis button
  • youth

    In my youth I like to eat meatballs, chilaquiles and beer, my favorite pastime is to play the guitar, my favorite musical genre is bluegrass and I really like to listen to the bands that come out in the bluegrass situation, my favorite movies are the adam comedies sandler and the legal series of netflix