9 months -- Attachment
When I drop Katie off at daycare she is reluctant to part from me and typically starts crying when I leave but stops shortly after I am gone. In strange situations or when meeting new people, Katie tends to sob and cling to me. This demonstrates Katie has a secure attachment pattern for me (Feldman, pg. 178). -
3 years -- Theory of Mind
Katie has demonstrated her development of Theory of Mind when, during her developmental assessment she was observed to be a group leader in activities and especially imaginative play. Preschoolers demonstrate theory of mind by becoming more insightful of people’s motives and the reasoning behind their behavior (Feldman, pg. 256). They also become aware that they can imagine something that isn’t actually present and can incorporate it into their imaginative play (Feldman, pg 256). -
6 years -- Moral Development
While playing a card game, Katie demonstrated that she does not yet have moral development, a sense of justice and of what is considered right and wrong (Feldman, pg. 261). During the card game she would cheat so she could win, and when confronted about cheating she got upset and angry and no longer wanted to play. She displayed a poor attitude when confronted and was upset because she was told she could not cheat or I wouldn’t play with her anymore. -
8 years -- Hands-On Actvities
Katie enjoys drawing and designing things of interest like houses, cars, and airplanes and loves to work with her hands building models or things out of clay, papier mache, interconnecting blocks, etc. This stage of development is characterized by Erikson as the industry-versus-inferiority stage which focuses on childrens efforts to meet the challenges presented by parents, peers, school, and other complexities (Feldman, pg. 328). -
12 years -- Social Skills
Katie seems to be able to demonstrate goof social problem-solving skills; the use of strategies for solving social conflicts in ways that are satisfactory both to her and to others (Feldman, pg. 335). Katie is self confident and relaxed in social situations. She has been able to make some close friends, seems to be somewhat of a leader in the group, and is not pushy or overbearing. -
14 years -- Stress & Coping
With the transition from middle school into high school, Katie is realizing all the stress, physical responses to events that threaten or challenge, that follows (Feldman, pg. 363). Between homework and studying, hurtful things said by a friend, and time management, Katie occassionally becomes moody and upset. Thankfully Katie has developed some coping mechanisms such as going for a walk, or venting to a friend. -
16 years -- Cliques
Katie has done very well in soccer and her team went on to be league champions. Her commitment and the friendships she made with her teammates is an example of a clique, they have frequent social interactions and she has made some good friends (Feldman, pg. 420). -
18 years -- Quest for Autonomy
Katie has graduated high school and has been accepted into an art-design school and will attend there in the Fall. Katie has a good relationship with both parents and seeks out my advice on important issues. Katie's quest for autonomy continues into the summer as she works her summer job to save up money, these are examples of how she is developing her own sense of control over her life (Feldman, pg. 416).