Condemns Child Labor
The New England Association of Farmers, Mechanics and Other Workingmen officially condemns child labor, but it doesn't do anything because it still is happening -
School is needed
Massachusetts creates the first law that says that children under the age of 15 have to go to school for 3 months a year -
The Laws of Child Labor 1842-1881
Massachusetts limits children to working a max of 10 hours a day and the idea of banning children younger then 14 is proposed, but not adopted. -
The National Child Labor Committee is formed and its goal is to stop ALL child labor. -
Giving something to the children
The Walsh-Healy Act gives some safety standards such as; minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor provisions on all federal contracts. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
This was an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act that directly prohibits child labor for the first time ever. CHILD LABOR IS BANNED IN THE US. -
Minimum Age Convention
The International Labour Org. Convention 138 is now and international law. It is made to stop child labor for school-aged children. -
Iqbal Masih
A 13 year old boy is murdered for his advocacy of children rights, his work is still inspiring people around the world today. -
Defines and Condemns
The ILOC 182 is now an international law. This defines and condemns the worst forms of child labor like trafficking, prostitution, army, and slavery. -
Less, but still more
The International Labor Org, estimates that a drop of 47 million over the past years, yet there are still 168 million in child labor and over 85 million in hazardous places.