Child Labor Timeline

  • Period: to

    Late 1700s to early 1800s

    Beginning of Child Labor Alexander Hamilton declares children who would be idle otherwise could begin working, to the economic benefit of the US
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution starts, which also brings Child Labor.
  • Children Employed

    Children Employed
    In 1870 more than 750,000 children were employed in factories or mines, with more being employed in farms and other places. (CP 3 Doc D)
  • Granite Mill Fire

    Granite Mill Fire
    More than 20 children were killed in a fire at the Granite Mill in Fall River, they died through burning, suffocation, or jumping out. People were not concerned about the children's deaths, but were about what started the fire.
  • States overseeing

    in 1899, 28 states oversaw the use of child labor for factories, mills, and mines.
  • National Child Labor Committee

    National Child Labor Committee
    In 1904, the National Child Labor Committee launched, with its goal being to abolish Child Labor
  • WW1

    In 1914, when Europe was engaged in the first World War, president Wilson proclaimed the US would stay neutral, but when the Lusitania was sunk by Germany, the US entered the war. During the war, since even black men were involved in the conflict, the US had nothing but women and children to keep factories and mills and such open, so children were employed which boosted child labor further than it had already gone.
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    Fair Labor Standards Act

    In 1924, Congress prohibited Child Labor, but didn’t abolish it. In the same year, the proposition for the Fair Labor Standards act came, but wasn't put into effect until 1938. (CP 4 doc D)
  • Child Labor Ends

    Child Labor Ends
    Constitutional amendment passes, outlawing Child Labor
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    "New Deal"

    Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal tried to remove child labor, and it was mostly successful, decreasing child labor by a huge margin. (cp 4 doc E)