New England unions condem child labor
The New England Association of Farmers, Mechanics and Other Workingmen decide “Children should not be allowed to labor in the factories from morning till night, without any time for healthy recreation and mental culture,” for it “endangers their . . . well-being and health” -
1836 Early trade unions propose state minimum age laws
Members at the National Trades’ Union Convention mke the first official suggestion that states should establish minimum age law for children in factories. -
First state child labor law
Massachusets passes a law that says children under 15 working in factories must go to school 3 months a year -
States begin limiting children’s work days
Massachusets limits childrens work hours to 10 hours a day and amny other states follow with simmilar laws but none were enforced well. -
Labor Movement Suggests minnimum age law.
Working Men’s Party wants to make employing children under 14 illegal. -
AFL wants state minimum age laws
The first national convention of the American Federation of Labor asks states to put a ban on paid work for children under 14 years old. -
New York unions win state reforms
The New york labor movement, led by Samuel Gompers prohibits the production of cigars in tenements which is a trade that many children are involed in. -
Democrats Enter the Reform
The Democratic Party adopts the platform plank to ban the employment of children under 15 in factories. -
National Child Labor Commite is created
Campain for federal child labor law reforms. -
The Keating-Owen Act
The first federal child labor law bans the shipment of goods across state lines if minimum age laws are not followed. The law was only in effect untill when it was declared unconstitutional. -
First attempt to get federal regulation fails
Congress passes an amendment to the constitution that gave federal government the power to regulate child labor, but not enogh states ratify it so it never goes into effect. -
Federal purchasing law is passed
Walsh-Healey Act says the United States government will not buy goods made by underaged children -
Attempt to gain federal regulation fails again
The second attempt to ratify the amendment that would give the federal government the authority to regulate child labor barely misses the nescassary votes for ratification. -
New federal law punishes growers
Sugar act makes sugar beet growers un able to receive benift payments if minnimum age and hours of work laws are not followed. -
Federal regulation of Child labor is gained
Finally, through the Fair Labor Standards Act, the federal government has authority to regulate minimum age and hours of employment standards.