Important Dates in the History of Child Development

By ariaslk
  • 428 BCE

    Plato was born

    Plato believed that children learn by playing
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Brought awareness to the idea that children are different from adults. He encouraged people to teach children through hands-on activities.
  • Kindergarten was established

    In Germany, Friedrich Froebel created the first kindergarten. This created a place where children could actively learn.
  • The first Montessori school was founded

    Dr. Maria Montessoria created the first Montessori school in Rome to give low-income children a place to learn and interact with other children.
  • The Sociocultural Theory

    The Socialcultural Theory, created by Lev Vygotsky, harps on the importance of helping children through social and cognitive stages.
  • The Cognitive Development Theory

    Jean Piaget, a psychologist, created the cognitive development theory, which says that as people grow up, they go through stages. This theory helped us better understand how children learn and think.
  • Head Start is funded

    Head Start is a program that supports low-income families in getting children ready for school. They also help children with other types of development.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    This act created a way for low-income students to get a quality education. It also provided ways for them to get free lunches and access to important school supplies.
  • The first Kindercare center is opened

    Kindercare creates an environment where children can interact with each other, experience hands-on learning, and build a foundation that will help them transition into school.
  • NAFCC was founded

    The National Association for Family Childcare was created to improve early childhood education and development.
  • The National Association for Family Daycare is founded

    This association promotes high-quality early childhood experiences and family child care.
  • The Childcare and Development Grant

    This grant helps low-income families get child care, which enables them to properly take care of their children.
  • T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship Program was enacted

    Teach stands for "Teacher Education And Compensation Helps". This program provides scholarships for students, enabling them to get a good education.
  • The No Child Left Behind Act bill was passed

    This law worked to provide all children with an equal opportunity to obtain a high-quality education.
  • The Preschool For All Initiative

    Obama passed this act, which created access to high-quality education for all children under 4
  • The Every Child Succeeds Act was signed by President Obama

    This act replaced the No Child Left Behind Act and works to support schools with underperforming students by collecting data on student achievement and graduation rates and giving responsibility and flexibility to the schools.