Martin Luther
Martin Luther had a great influence of reading education in schools that is still implemented today. He wanted universal education.
https://www.preceden.com/timelines/246672-early-childhood-education-history -
John Amos Comenius
He was the first person to produced the first children's book, He realized that for kids "playing is learning".
https://childcarelounge.com/pages/milestones-a-child-care-history-timeline -
First Preschool
The first school for preschool aged children was established by Johann Pestalozzi. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2068692/edit -
Children's Garden
Children's garden (Kindergarten) was started by a man named Friedrich Froebel. The first kindergarten he had was in Germany. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2068692/edit -
Nursery school for Poor women
This Nursery school was opened in New York for poor women. It was opened with Children's hospital.
https://childcarelounge.com/pages/milestones-a-child-care-history-timeline -
First Public Kindergarten in St. Louis
The first Public Kindergarten was brought to Susan Blow's town by her efforts in believing that public school was necessary.
https://www.preceden.com/timelines/246672-early-childhood-education-history -
Hull House
A settlement for immigrants that provided healthcare, childcare, and education. The Hull house was well known for its nursery. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2068692/edit -
Childrens House of Rome
First childrens house was opened in Rome by Maria Montesorri. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2068692/edit -
First Kindercare
The company KinderCare wanted to start a chain of nursery schools. The first one was opened on July 14, 1969 and held 70 children. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2068692/edit -
Family Daycare
The National Association for Family Day Care was founded in 1982. This is a non-profit organization that supported child care in families. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2068692/edit -
Child Care Funds
Different areas were trying to put an organization together to put money towards child care. San Francisco was the first large city that required developers to set aside money to fund for child care. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2068692/edit -
Child Care and Development Grant
This is a source of federal funding to help low-income families (that are working) pay for child care and also to improve the child care quality.
https://childcarelounge.com/pages/milestones-a-child-care-history-timeline -
Childrens Defense Bond
Non-profit organization was started for children. This organization focused on the research of children psychology. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2068692/edit -
White House Conference on Children
The White House Conference on childhood development and learning was reestablished by Bill Clinton.
https://clintonwhitehouse3.archives.gov/WH/New/ECDC/About.html -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act is to give students and equal and fair chance of having a high-quality high school education. There are four major parts of the bill that are, accountability, flexibility, research and parent options.
https://www.k12.wa.us/policy-funding/policies/elementary-and-secondary-education-act-esea/no-child-left-behind-act-2001 -
Preschool for All initiative
President Obama created the the preschool for all initiative by calling to congress in hope to expand the excess of preschool to every child.