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Child Development Janae Ervin 1st hour

  • Her Birthday

    Her Birthday
    This is my Niece Aunesty Jade Ervin . She was born April 26, 2010. She weighed 6 pounds 5oz. She was born at a hospital in Olathe
  • By four Months

    By four Months
    Physical-She was following every moving object or person, Social and emotional -She Loved to be held close in someones arms so she can feel loved, Cognitive-She played with her fingers hands and toes.
  • By Eight Months

    By Eight Months
    Physical- Her first teeth begin to appear. Cognitive- Shes starting to reconize voices and sounds around her. Social/emotional- She's starting to respond to her own name.
  • By 12 Months

    By 12 Months
    Physical - she is Crawling well. Cognitive- she claps her hands when shes happy, she waves bye. Social and emotonal- Shes now starting to respond to her name
  • 12 to 18 Months

    12 to 18 Months
    Physical- She loves to push, pull, and dump things. Congnitive- Shes starting to say 8-20 words I can understand Social and emotional - She becomes upset when seperated from her parents
  • 18 to 24 Months

    18 to 24 Months
    Physical- Now she is drinking from a straw
    Cognitve- She Enjoys singing familiar songs
    Social/Emotional-She is very possessive when it comes to things that she thinks is hers
  • Two Years Old

    Two Years Old
    Physical- She always walks up the stairs by holding the railing
    cognitive-Repeats Words
    Social/ Emotional- Insists on trying to do things without help
  • Three Years Old

    Cogonitive Delelopment- She is now asking who, what , when , why questions
    Pysical- She can brush her teeth, wash her hands and get a drink
    Social/emotional- She enjoys making others laugh and being silly
  • Four Years old

    Intellectual- She now can reconize some letters if taught, and is able to print her own name
    Physical Development- She loves to jump over objects that are 5-6 inches high
    Social/emotional- She enjoys playing with other children
  • Five Years old

    Social/emotional- Sometimes she invents games with simple rules.
    Physical-Knows how to ride book with training wheels.
    Intellectual - Now she knows her basic colors such as Red,Blue, Green and Orange.
  • Six Through Eight Years Old

    Phyical- She enjoys copying designs and shapes,letters, and numbers
    Emotional/Social- Being with her friends is becoming increasingly important to her
    Intellectual-She is beginning to learn the time and days of the week
  • Nine though Eleven Years Old

    Physical-She is now gaining physical maturity
    Intellectual Development- Now days she is always fanasizing and dreaming about the future