Child Development

  • Lauren was born

  • Lauren goes to Branson

    Lauren goes to Branson
    Lauren goes to Branson with her mom, dad, aunt, uncle, and cousin
  • Lauren gets a dog

    Lauren gets a dog
    Jose, is Lauren's second dog
  • Lauren goes to disneyworld

    Lauren goes to disneyworld
    For the first time Lauren went to disney world with her mom, uncle, aunt, and cousin
  • Lauren goes to disneyworld

    Lauren goes to disneyworld
    Lauren goes to disney world for the second time with the same people
  • Lauren gets a cat

    Lauren gets a cat
    Lauren gets her first cat, Charlie.
  • Lauren gets a dog

    Lauren gets a dog
    Lauren gets her third dog, Pepe.
  • Lauren turns 16

    Lauren turns 16
    She had a surprise birthday party full of family and friends.
  • Lauren dies

    Lauren dies in her sleep from natural causes