Prenatal (five weeks)
The baby's heart has started to beat. It beats at twice the rate of my normal heart beat. This shows that the baby is progressing very well and is starting to develop more.
Image: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cIgN11gW8sY/TU4qFKxZUcI/AAAAAAAAGtY/UueGyTQQdZI/s1600/Baby+heartbeat.jpg -
Prenatal (twelve weeks)
The baby's heart beat is now audible and at my most recent check up, we could hear it's heart beat. It was such an invigorating experience because that's something I've never heard before. This means the baby is growing in a very healthy way and it is still living inside the womb.
Image: http://thinkprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/fetal-heartbeat-e1359585870146.jpg -
Prenatal (eighteen weeks)
At this stage, the baby has been growing and eventually kicking and moving around in the womb. This is extremely imprtant because it shows that the baby is healthy and alive still.
Image: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qJJdvr94JJw/TcrfyNp6y-I/AAAAAAAABuM/rEXKW-w0zYA/s1600/PreNatalYoga.png -
Prenatal (twenty three weeks)
The baby can tell when I am moving around; especially when I dance around. Her hearing keeps developing and anytime there is a loud noise, I can feel her get startled. Others can now feel her moving around and sometimes they can see her move around in the womb. She is still continuing to grow heathily and meet each milestone.
Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/be9a24d8b2569eb57ca7caf79dccd338/tumblr_mh6nxjOh1I1rog5d1o1_400.jpg
Image: -
One Month Old
Baby has learned tha by crying, she will be rewarded and have attention paid to her. This is important because it shows us that she is developing at the normal rate for an infant as of right now.
Image: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wdLWDJn3NEw/S8x49c-RqKI/AAAAAAAABCE/E4wc-P-3Uec/s320/DSC05397.JPG -
Two Months Old
Baby has started to making cooing sounds and she studies faces as people pass by. She has started to take an interest in people's movements and she intensely watches the ceiling fan as it spins on the roof. This is imprtant because it shows that she iss devolping normally and she is able to intetify when the world around her is moving.
Image: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_483/1267517945y0HG2M.jpg
Image: -
Four Months Old
The baby has been making bubbles with her mouth and is able to lift her head and stand when she is supported by someone. This milestone means that she is at the very beginning stages of walking and she is beginning to learn how to use her mouth to start making different sounds.
Image: http://www.ontobaby.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/impromptu-four-month-photos-10.jpg
Image: -
Six Months Old
The baby has learned how to stand when she is supported on furniture around the house, She is able to sit in a high chair and sit up by herself for a few seconds. She is able to grasp objects in her hands and tries to pick up a third one once she already has two objects (one in each hand). She is learning fine motor skills and is developing her physical abilities,
Image: http://www.amandapair.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/six-month-old-baby-photographer.jpg
Image: -
Twelve Months Old
The child has been showing an interest in playing ball. She likes to throw and kick the ball around the house. She loves when others play ball with her but she hates it when the ball is taken away from her. This shows me that she is developing at the perfect rate and she is now becoming more active.
Image: http://openclipart.org/image/800px/svg_to_png/159535/Beach_ball.png -
Ninteeen Months Old
Samantha is now running around the house and chasing after things that move. The dog runs around the house with her and she absolutely loves it. This stage of her development shows me that she is growing and developing correctly and she is a healthy child.
Image: http://www.thelearningcommunity.us/Portals/0/images%20of%20kids/infant%20girl%20running.jpg -
Twenty Four Months Old
Samantha is learning how to go pee pee in the potty. Each time she does it correctly, she recieves a reward which is even more of an incentive for her to begin potty training. It takes a huge weight off my shoulders knowing that she will soon be out of diapers. She is still developing at the right pace and is catching on to the small things like potty training and rewards.
Image: http://nicoledolisi.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/potty-training.jpg -
Twenty Five Months Old
Samantha is putting together simple sentences now. She knows how to say sentences with a few words so that she can get what she wants. She is given lots of opportunities to talk and she loves the attention when she does. She is making sentences which is the first few steps towards making complete sentences.
Image: http://twinpossible.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Toddler-talking-a-lot..jpg -
Two Years Old
Samantha is now pointing to items when their names are being said. This shows that she is learning item recognition and she is still developing on time. She is also putting together short sentences which shows her brain and verbal skills are developing.
Image: http://0.tqn.com/d/pediatrics/1/0/g/L/iStock_000001798272XSmall.jpg -
Three Years Old
At this time, Samantha is now completing puzzles at her age level and she is saying and starting to write her own name. She now knows more words than when she was two (about 300 words). These are important to her mental development so that she can learn her name and learn fine motor skills while doing her puzzles.
Image: http://www.washingtonparent.com/special-features/image/child-development-series/your-three-year-old-july2011.png -
Four Years Old
Samantha is developing at the right rate physically and mentally. She can walk up the stairs on her own (alternating feet on steps) and she can sort out objects based on criteria given to her (shape, size, color, etc.). This shows that she is reaching the right goals and she is learning at the right pace.
Image: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-41xCUNRxWO8/UOjx5mf06zI/AAAAAAAANDw/Iu-W_b9-y2Y/s1600/Ivy+turns+4+%252821+of+21%2529.jpg -
Five Years Old
At this time, Samantha is speaking incredibly clearly and she is speaking in longer sentences (showing that her mental health is still on track). She is also showing development in her motor skills by writing her numbers and her letters.
Image: http://www.blog.jessicurl.com/sites/blog.jessicurl.com/files/u2/sashapic.jpg -
Six years old
Samantha is showing a lot more independence at this time. She wakes herself up with an alarm clock and gets herself almost completely dressed and ready for the day. She is physically and mentally on track with the rest of the kids her age.
Image: http://cdn.sheknows.com/articles/2010/08/six-year-old-girl.jpg -
Eight Years Old
Samantha is showing more interst in helping other people rahter than having self interst in the things she does. She will help clean up her toys willingly now and without being asked because she knows it helps me out. She is growing like crazy and showing signs of being mentally stable still.
Image: http://img.ezinemark.com/imagemanager2/files/30004254/2011/05/2011-05-10-18-40-56-4-in-2006-an-8-year-ol-girl-named-betty-made-a-hoax.jpeg -
Ten Years Old
Samantha has been meeting a lot of new friends. She has friends of her same gender with a few male friends mixed in. Her best friends are female though. She has been spending a lot more time with her friends away from the house which we are akoy with because it shows her independence.
Image: http://www.glamourvanity.com/photos/jackie-evancho.jpg -
Twelve Years Old
Samantha has become more aware of her body image and is starting to eat less. She is worrying me that she might be going anorexic. Hopefully by talking to her and letting her do her own think (to a certain extent) she will grow out of it and become healthy. Other than this she is growing physically and mentally on track.
Image: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3539/3398064934_434ee1c1a3_b.jpg -
Fourteen Years Old
Samantha is understanding more absract concepts in subjects such as math. She is learning a lot of new information that will help her later in life. She is showing signs of being mentally healthy with no learning disorders. Image: http://archive.decaturdaily.com/decaturdaily/livingtoday/070521/contest1A.jpg -
Sixteen Years Old
Samantha is now learning how to drive and has become more dependent on her peers for support. She is moving away from being at home all the time to going out and spending time with her friends. This shows she is becoming more independent and is making the transition to being an adult.
Image: http://coedmagazine.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/courtney-alexis-stodden-6.jpg -
Seventeen Years Old
Samantha is worrying more and more every day about who her true friends are as she tries to find her social identity. She tends to stay with the same group of friends who are good influences on her. She is being more and more independent and learning what it means to take care of herself.
Image: http://dcfans.tv/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/aly-michalka.jpg -
Eighteen Years Old
Samantha is graduating from high school and moving on from the house and family to college and being around her friends all the time. She is graduating with all A's and we could not be more proud. Samantha will be completely independent while she is off at college and she seems to be very happy about that. This means that she is turning into an adult who can take care of herself.
Image: http://babyboomertalkonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/bigstock_Graduate_Girl_476985.jpg