Victoria Climbie
Victoria Climbie was tortured and murdered by her guardians in London in February 2000. The police, social services departments of four local authorities, the NHS, the NSPCC and local churches all had contact with her, and noted the signs of abuse but failed to act. Her death sparked a public inquiry, and major changes to child protection policies in England. -
Peter Connelly (Baby P)
Peter Connelly dies of over 50 injuries over an eight month period. He had lived in the London Borough of Haringey, under the same child care authorities as Victoria Climbié. Peter's mother was arested many times after bruises and other injuries were found, but each time he was returned to his mother and her partner. -
Amy Howson
16 month old Amy Howson was killed by her father, when he snapped her back in two. James Howson twisted her arms and legs before breaking her spine. She suffered 40 injuries in total. She was seen by health workers in March 2007, but when follow up assesments were due, they health team were unable to gain acess to her parents' house. -
Holly Agius
14 month old Holly Agius died of pneumonia and chickenpox, compounded with a methodone overdose, at the hands of her mother and partner. -
Charlie Hunt
Charlie Hunt was killed by his mothers boyfiend, Darren Newton. Newton had filmed himself torturing 15 month old Charlie, for six months prior to his death.