chicken noodle soup

By keyella
  • I was born.

    I was born on November 9th, 2009 and I'm 12 years old.
  • my sister was born.

    she wasn't supposed to be born close to me or even at all
  • I turned 5

    I became a big kid!!! first year of school.
  • When I got my dog

    When I got my dog
    my dog is about 46 years old in dog years and about 7 years old in regular years. she is about 40 pounds and loves to play with stuff, pee on things, and get rubbed on her belly. she is a puggle and her name is nana (pronounced Nae-Nae) She also loves to bite people if they say "you're going in the cage" but overall she is a really nice dog! she also barks at strangers and loves to eat garbage, Dog food cans, cat food, and treats! she always stands in the way and gets her paws stepped on a lot.
  • First day of school

    I was 6 or 7 and it was my first day of school!
  • I moved schools

    I was about 8 or 9 when I moved houses!