Reies López Tijerina Is Born
Reies Lopez Tijerina
- Born september 21, 1926 near Falls City, Texas.
- Dropped out of highschool but later attended the Assembly for God Bible Institute.
- Was a Pentecoastal Minister and traveled the US for a couple years.
- Got involved in the movement after hearing about problems with land grants during a trip to New Mexico. -
3. 1947 Mendez vs. Westminster
Mendez vs. Westminster
-Mendes's Childeren were denied public education
- First court case to rule that school segregation was unconstitutional.
- Thurgood Marshall's participation in the case was crucial. -
2. Creation of the American GI forum in 1948
-Dr. Hector Perez Garcia returned from the war and wanted to pursue the american dream.
-Couldn’t due to deeply rooted prejudice views.
-Wanted a non-prejudice society and created the American GI forum.
- This helped many hispanics americans overcome the prejudice barriers
-Motto “Education is Our Freedom and Freedom is Everybody’s Business”. -
4. Cesar Chavez founds the National Farmers Association; starts strike against grape growers
Grape Strike
- The strike began on September 16.
- Chavez asked the strikers to take a vow of non-violence.
- The strike lasted more than 5 years.
- Led to Chavez going on a 25 day fast. -
Reagan passes the Immigration Reform and Control Act granting amnesty to illegal immigrants
-Allowed illegal immigrants to stay in the US if they came before 1982.
-Immigrants must pay back their taxes to the Federal Government.
-Cannot have any sort of Crime Record.
-Must be knowledgable about The United States of America's history. -
Obama's Executive order regarding undocumented child immigrants
Obama's Decision
-Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
-Allows immigrants to stay in the US if they have;
-Must've been living in US since 2007.
-Need to be getting a proper Education.
-Have no criminal record of any sort.
-Obama's executive order will allow equal opportunity for all. -
Major Accomplishments
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
- Equal oppertunity act of 1974
- grape growers sign agreements recognizing UFW as a union.
- Hernandez v. Texas -
Continued Problems
Current Issues
- Continued immigration issues like illegal immigrants crossing the US and Mexican Boarder.
- Ongoing "segregation" of kids in schools.
- Still working on destroying deeply rooted predjudice views and racism throughout the US.