Chican rights

By tsn
  • Ceasar Chavez was born

    Ceasar Chavez was born
    Born in Yuma, Arizona he formed the NFWA, which later became the united farm workers. He was a labor leader and he led marches, called for boycotts and went on several hunger strikes. He only graduated from 8th grade because of his family and became a full time farm worker. He also joined the Navy, but in the military Mexican Americans could only be deckhands or painters.
  • 1947 Mendez v Westminster

    1947 Mendez v Westminster
    Westminster was a school in orange county, the case was over Mexican Americans were being put into segregated schools. Gonzalo Mendez was the main plaintiff and who started the lawsuit and funded most of it after his three children were denied acceptance. This was the first case to bring up the issue of school segregation
  • creation of the american GI forum in 1948

    creation of the american GI forum in 1948
    Doctor hector p Garcia found the GI form; he founded the American GI form because he was sick of watching Mexican Americans being dehumanized after world war. The GI form helped to break the barriers that Mexican Americans faced such as freedom
  • Nation Farm Workers' Association

    Nation Farm Workers' Association
    It’s a labor union created from the merging of two groups. Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC) led by Filipino organizer Larry Itliong, and the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) led by César Chávez, this union changed from a workers' rights organization that helped workers get unemployment insurance to that of a union of farmworkers almost overnight.
  • Strikes against grape growers

    Strikes against grape growers
    Cesar Chavez leads the Delano grape strike, the strike aims to demand equal wages. They boycotted large industries and encouraged people not to buy grapes without the stamp that proved workers were being treated equally.
  • Immigration reform and controle act

    Immigration reform and controle act
    November 6, 1986, the purpose of this legislation was to amend and reform the status of unauthorized immigrants set forth in the Immigration. The content of this bill is overwhelming and is divided into many sections such as control of unauthorized immigration, legalization and reform of legal immigration. The focus of this précis will be on the legalization aspect of the bill, which gave unauthorized aliens opportunity to apply and gain legal status if they met mandated requirements.
  • Orange police department accuses Emigdio Vasquez of promoting violence

    Orange police department accuses Emigdio Vasquez of promoting violence
    Emigdio Vasquez is one of the most mainstream artist in orange county. The Police deparment accuses Emigdio Vasquez of promoting gang violence throughs his murals. Emigdio found out about the issue through his nephew. The issue with this is that some of these murals are over 30 years old. Emigdio Vasquez is viewd as a neighborhood hero not some kid running around with a backpack full of spray paint. This has been an on going issue for Emigdio Vasquez.
  • Arizona: support our new law enforcement and safe neighborhoods act

    Arizona: support our new law enforcement and safe neighborhoods act
    There are too many illegal immigrants in Arizona so the “support our law enforcement and safe neighborhoods act” was put in place. It requires all non-citizens of Arizona to carry there immigration paper work also officers with reasonable suspicion can pull over or question someone on their immigration status. It has been successful in eliminating illegal immigrants.