Chess Computers

  • Mechanical Turk

    Mechanical Turk
    The Mechanical Turk was the earliest chess machines built by hummanity, built in the pre-computer era. It involved a sophisticated mechanical contraption, and inside a chess master would be situated, who would dictate the moves.
  • El Ajedrecista

    El Ajedrecista
    The El Ajedrecista was the first genuine chess engine, which was able to operate without any human intervention. However, it was only limited to play chess with only 3 pieces on the board, but was an improvement from the the fradulent Mechnical Turk.
  • Programming A Computer For Playing Chess

    Programming A Computer For Playing Chess
    Claude Shannon, one of the pioneers behind chess engines, published one of the earliest chess algorithms, and detailed so in his groundbreaking paper.
  • First Fully Automated Chess Machine

    First Fully Automated Chess Machine
    Finally, in 1957 an IBM engineer named Alex Bernstein created the world's first fully automated chess engine. The engine was built for the IBM 704 mainframe, and took around eight minutes per move. Capable of playing an entire game, this engine marked the real beginning of chess computing.
  • Mac Hack VI

    Mac Hack VI
    The Mac Hack VI was the first chess engine to beat a human at the game of chess, with a playing strength of 1300 in USCF rating.
  • Deep Thought

    Deep Thought
    Deep Thought was the first chess computer tio beat a strong master, specifically the Great Dane, Bent Larsen, a former World Championship Contender.
  • Deep Blue First Match

    Deep Blue First Match
    IBM developed their latest model, and challenged the then world champion Garry Kasparov, but Kasparov managed to defeat with a score of 4-2.
  • Deep Blue Defeats Kasparov In A Rematch

    Deep Blue Defeats Kasparov In A Rematch
    In 1998, IBM requested a rematch with their improved Deep Blue model, and they faced off in a six game mathc, in which Deep Blue won 3.5-1.5. This marked the first time, computers were better than humans.
  • The Last Win For Hummanity

    The Last Win For Hummanity
    Ruslan Ponomariov was the last human to defeat a chess engine, and from here marks the moment where chess engines remained supreme over humans.
  • Stockfish

    An Open source project developed by the former developers of the Gulmarg, and implemented the Minimax algorithsm proposed by John von Neumann, in the 1950's, and became the leading chess engine.
  • Alpha Zero

    Alpha Zero
    The team at DeepMind a side project by Google built a computer known as Alpha Zero, which revolutionised chess engines, and defeated Stockfish in a match for the first time in a decade. Later the project was abadoned but the new ideas influenced the developement of modern engines.
  • ChatGPT

    In late 2022, the revolutinary ChatGPT was released, kindling the AI race of the 2020's, and had the ability to play chess via notation.