Chemists Project

  • 460 BCE

    Democritus is Born in Abdera, Thrace

    Democritus is Born in Abdera, Thrace
    Democritus expanded the idea of atomic theory because he argued the fact that there had to be a beginning of time. He also said that atoms are impenetrable and that they have a density proportionate to their volume.
  • John Dalton is Born in Cumberland, England

    John Dalton is Born in Cumberland, England
    Dalton's big theory was that "all elastic fluids expand the quantity by heat". Another big experiment of his was to find the percent composition of compounds to find the atomic mass which would then help him find the atomic structure. He also proposed the idea that if two elements can combine, their combinations will occur in a set sequence. Dalton also believed that the particles in different gases had different volumes and surrounds of caloric therefore, they would not layer out.
  • J.J. Thomson is Born in Manchester, England

    J.J. Thomson is Born in Manchester, England
    Thomson suggested that an atom has a spherical shape full of positive matter in which electrons are positioned by electrostatic forces. He also estimated the number of electrons in atoms by using measurements of the scattering light rays.
  • Robert Millikan is Born in Morrison, Illinois

    Robert Millikan is Born in Morrison, Illinois
    He was very talented in physics and optics. He did come up with the "falling drop method" which determined the charge carried by an electron.
  • Ernest Rutherford is Born in New Zealand

    Ernest Rutherford is Born in New Zealand
    He discovered alpha and beta rays. He also set for the laws of decay. He aided Niels Bohr in the creation of the Rutherford-Bohr Model of an atom.
  • Niels Bohr is Born in Copenhagen, Denmark

    Niels Bohr is Born in Copenhagen, Denmark
    Bohr added the idea of quanta to the original idea of atomic structure. He also put forth the theory of the nucleus as a liquid drop. He aided Rutherford in the invention of the Rutherford-Bohr model of the cell structure. He also founded the Institute of Theoretical Physics.
  • Erwin Schrodinger is Born in Vienna, Austria

    Erwin Schrodinger is Born in Vienna, Austria
    Schrodinger used the idea of Specific Heat of solids to come up with Schrodinger's Wave Equation. He also wrote about the Theory of Gravitation and Electromagnetism.
  • James Chadwick is born in Bollington, United Kingdom

    James Chadwick is born in Bollington, United Kingdom
    He discovered the neutron which also led to the discovery of nuclear fission. Both of these inventions resulted in the creation of the nuclear bomb.
  • Louis de Broglie is Born in Dieppe, France

    Louis de Broglie is Born in Dieppe, France
    Broglie researched the quantum theory. He also discovered the theory of electron diffraction which is now known as wave mechanics. He came up with the Theory of Light and theTheory of Spin Particles.
  • Werner Heisenberg is Born in Wurzburg, Germany

    Werner Heisenberg is Born in Wurzburg, Germany
    Heisenberg came up with the idea that electrons absorb and emit radiation of fixed wavelengths when jumping between mixed orbits around a nucleus. He also came up with the idea of quantum mechanics.