chemistry timeline

  • boyles

    made fundamental gas laws
  • bradly, james found the speed of light

    bradly, james found the speed of light
    found the speed of light within 5% accuracy using the stars
  • priestly joseph discovers oxygen

    discoverd oxygen carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide
  • lavoisier a.l. discoverd nitrogen

    described the composition of many organic compounds
  • benjaman franklin plays with lightning

    benjaman franklin plays with lightning
    Imagebenjaman franklin discoverd that lightnig was a form of electricity img from:
  • dalton

    dalton said that atoms of the same element are alike and that atoms of differant elements are diferant. and that compounds are formed by the joining of atoms
  • thomson

    discoverd the electron. said that it looked like a jigsaw puzzle that was made up of smaller pieces
  • rutherford

    thought that the atom had all of its mass/ possotive charge in the central nucleus and that it was 10000 times smaller than the atom itself. also he said that the negative charge was held in the electrons which orpit the nucleus
  • bohr

    he said that the nuetrons and protons occupy the dense nucleus and that the electrons orbit the nucleus much like planets orbiting the sun