Democritus Create 1st Idea of an Atom
- non specific date
- believe all matter composed invisible particles "atoms"
- different sizes and properties
Oct 13, 750
Beginning Rome
Aug 3, 1492
Columbus Sails the Ocean Bue
Mar 17, 1519
Death of DaVinci
Issac Newton Published Three Laws of Motion
Revolutionary War Begins
French REvolution Begins
Antione Lavosier Discover Law of Conservation of Mass
- no specific date
- matter no created/destroyed "Father of Mordern Chemistry"
John Dalton create his Atomic Theory
- no specific date found
- postulates: all matter composed of small particles "atoms," all atoms of elements identical (same size, mass, chemical properties), atoms in different elemtents different, atoms are not created but can be divided smaller and destroyed. atoms combine in whole number rations to make compounds
- Model = solid ball
- 3 Atomic Laws
- Law of Conservation of Mass, Law of Constant COmposition, Law of Multiple Porportions
Us Civil War Begins
First Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell
JJ Thompson Discovers Electrons
- no specific date
- discover electrons
- cathode ray tube
- Plum Pudding Model - charged shere with negative charged electron scattered inside
Wright Borther's First Flight
Rutherford Discover Elcetrons and Protons
- no specific date
- using Gold Foil Experiment
- positive charged nucleus
- nucleus almost all mass and small
- negative eectron occupy most volume
- atom mostly empty space
- Planetary Model
Bohr Disprove Planetary Model
- no specific date
- disprove planetary model
- interaction light and energy
WWI Begin
Russian Revolution Begins
James Chadwick Discover Nuetron
- no specific date
- electron cloud
Lunar Landing by Neal Armstrong