Chem Laws

  • Law of Conservation of Mass

    Made by:Antoine Lavoisier
    The Law of Conservation of Mass states that mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. The total mass of the substances before the reaction is the same as the total mass after the reaction.
  • Law of Constant Composition

    Made by:Joseph Louis Proust
    The Law of Constant Composition states that a chemical compound always contains the same elements in the same proportion by mass no matter how the compound is made or where it comes from.
  • Dalton's Atomic Theory

    Made by: John Dalton
    Atomic theory is the idea that all matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. Atoms are like the building blocks of everything around us. Each element, like gold or oxygen, is made of its own kind of atom. These atoms can join together to form molecules, which make up the substances we see, touch, and use. the theory also says that atoms cannot be created or destroyed in ordinary chemical reactions only rearranged.
  • Law of Multiple Proportions

    Made by:John Dalton
    The Law of Multiple Proportions states that when two elements form more than one compound together, the amounts of one element that combined with a fixed amount of the other ratios are in simple whole-number ratios.