chelsey daniels

  • my birthday

  • my first cousins birthday

    we grew up together were just 3 months apart im the oldest.
  • I get a little brother

  • the day i stole my moms sausage and buscuit when i was three

  • I get a little sister

  • the first time i go to the beach

    i was little i can't remember alot but i remember a little i remember playing in the water and hiding from my parents in the store.
  • my mom and dad get a divorce

  • me, my brother and sister move in with our mom

  • I had to help raise my brother and sister

  • my dad gets married again

  • I get my first dag his name is taz

    i will never forget this day because it a really happy day.
  • my first fight

  • me and my brother and sister moved in with our dad

  • the day i broke my ankle

    i broke it skating.
  • the first time i rode a roller coaster

    the first roller coaster i rode was mystery mine i was so scared
  • the day i go to conneticuit with my friend

    it was the best vacation i ever had because we went to alot of places and it was really fun. it was a really big place it was the first time i ever been there.
  • my mom went to jail because of drugs

  • my papaw dies

  • my mom got out of jail

  • I grew up in tazewell until i was 13.

  • the day we moved to Middlesboro.

  • the day i got in a fight with one of my best friends

  • the first time i baby sitted

  • my first prom 8th grade

  • the day wrecked a crotch rocket

    i went around the block a couple of time i was doing good till a car pulled out and i turned nd i ran into a parked car. i was sore for a while after that
  • taz dies

    it was really sad for me because we had him for almost 7 years
  • the day i go visit my aunt in louisville

    we went to the lake on a boat,
  • the day i go to indiana with my aunt

    we ate at the crab shack it was on the water
  • my first day of high school

  • my cousins birthday