Checkpoint #2

By 4jbell
  • University of Georgia Founded

    University of Georgia Founded
    This building is large,old and very educational for people that is ready to learn. This building support colleges and universities.
  • Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was originated to the United States.1793 was when the secretary state power to issue the united states.
  • Yazoo Land Fraud

    Yazoo Land Fraud
    1795 the political scandals took place .This is like a misunderstood episode like north Georgia history.
  • Capital Moved to Louisville

    Capital Moved to Louisville
    Savannah is the state capital of Louisville. The Governor in Louisville has to bring back furnisher.
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    Slaves and freed people were divided equally between twenty two states.They were between north and south because they were passed by the u.s. congress.
  • Dahlonega Gold Rush

    Dahlonega Gold Rush
    Gold was discovered/found in 1828.The rock quartz made gold and all heavy jewlery and material.
  • Worcester v.Georgia

    Worcester v.Georgia
    Georgia had a campigain to move cherokees.Andrew Jackson gave the right for native americans to be romeved.
  • Henry McNeal Turner

    Henry McNeal Turner
    He was a bishop at African Methodist Episcopal Church.He loved being a missionary.
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    Trail Of Tears

    The highly structured damage was so reckless it was called " Trail of Tears." This place is kinda named after the Indians.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    1850 is when they had a big fight with the north and south because of the slavery act.Southern slaves owners had long time for being slaves.
  • Fifteenth Commandment

    Fifteenth Commandment
    Fifteenth Commandment is about people who are citizens to voter.No one cant tell them they cant vote.
  • Georgia Platform

    Georgia Platform
    The proclamation was adopted and then was named Georgia Platform.Charles J. Jackson is who supported this platform.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This is something that decides either to have slavery or not slavery. This slavery was caused by pro-slavery and anti-slavery.
  • Dred Scott case

    Dred Scott case
    This is a slave that lived through slavery that lived in Illinois and free territory. African American were not allowed to be citizens
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    1860 was when election was coming up.Abraham Lincoln was the president of 1860.
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    Union blockade of Georgia

    Abraham Lincoln started the war.Savannah had pinned their hopes.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    This is a one day battle that i think is mostly deadly off all the images and information read. 22,717 people were exactly dead.
  • Emancipation proclamation

    Emancipation proclamation
    500,000 slaves were free by this Emancipation proclamation.President Abraham Lincoln read the first draft of this piece of writing.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The area and road system was were they had the fight called Battle of Gettysburg.Gettysburg was the center point of many roads going off all different directions.
  • Battle of Chichamauga

    Battle of Chichamauga
    This is a western fight almost like the Civil War.Troops kicked the Confederates out early the next month.
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    Andersonville Prison Camp

    Largest prison for captured soldiers.Some prisoners were transferred from this camp to another.
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    Sherman's Atlanta Campaign

    Sherman became a commander for the supreme.The had a fire and it got completely out of control and Atlanta was ruined..
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    Sherman's march to the Sea

    Sherman does his expedition across Georgia by viewing a certain part of Atlanta.The dates were very successful.
  • Freedman's Bureau

    Freedman's Bureau
    They got to pull up as many scanned documents as they like.They were basically in charge of everything.
  • Thirteenth amendment

    Thirteenth amendment
    Thirteenth amendment was mostly about no slavery. Only time it was allowed for slavery was punishment.
  • Ku Klan Klux formed

    Ku Klan Klux formed
    A white group of men that are political and social terrorists.They made night riding a crime.
  • Fourteenth commandment

    Fourteenth commandment
    It doesn't matter about the person it should not be denied without the process of law. This is for everyone no matter what