Checkpoint 2

By 1jsmith
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    He was an american inventor and he invented the cotton gin. He studied at Yale. The cotton gin seperated the seed from the cotton.
  • Yazoo land Fraud

    Yazoo land Fraud
    Some Ga legislatures were bribed with $500,000 to sell land that is now Mississippi. This price is way below the potential price it is worth.
  • University of Georgia

    University of Georgia
    It was the university in Ga. This was done by the general assembly in 1785.
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    It was the U.S federal statute made by Henry Clay. It was what controlled the slave trade.
  • Dahlonega gold rush

    Dahlonega gold rush
    They found gold in Ga at this time. This man by the name of John Witheroods found a three-ounce nugget along Duke's Creek.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    This was a case in court in 1832 were the Cherokee Indians wanted to develope a constitution
  • Henry McNeal Turner

    Henry McNeal Turner
    He was born in Newberry, SC. He was a missionary in Georgia.
  • Period: to

    Trail of Tears

    It was part of Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal program. It is called the trail of tears because the trail they took was were the cried and they were sad so it is called the trail of tears.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    When this happened it to regard the status of the Mexican - American War
  • Georgia Platform

    Georgia Platform
    It was a statement executed by the Georgia Gov't. In response to the compromise of 1850.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    It allowed people in these two states to use their land for slaves if they wanted to.
  • Dred Scott case

    Dred Scott case
    This was During the Civil War He was living with owner in a free state then the state turned non free to slaves.
  • Union blockade of Georgia

    Union blockade of Georgia
    It was a Naval thing and it blocked the Confederacy from trading.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The Potomac army was in this war they were commanded by George McClellan this army attacked the confederacy and started war with Gen. E. Lee.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    This was issued by President Abraham Lincoln and it helped free slaves.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    General Robert E. Lee took his army and marched through Virginia to Pennsylvanian and fought against the Union
  • Battle of Chickamauga

    Battle of Chickamauga
    It was a battle that took place during the civil war in 1863. Braxton Bragg’s army which was Tennessee the beat the Union.
  • Period: to

    Andersonville Prison Camp

    It was located at fort Sumter It held more prisoners than any other confederate military prison.
  • Sherman's Atlanta Campaign

    Sherman's Atlanta Campaign
    He wanted to destroy Atlanta and cut off trade and while doing this he boosted Abraham Lincoln"s chance of re-election
  • Period: to

    Sherman's March to the Sea

    He marched his people to the sea While doing this he destroyed Georgia things like buildings, railways, and fields ,etc.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Ablolished all the slaves
  • Freedman's Bureau

    Freedman's Bureau
    This freed slaves in the south.
  • Ku Klux Klan Formed

    Ku Klux Klan Formed
    It was formed in Pulaski, TN. The name originated from combining the Greek kyklos (κύκλος, circle) with clan.
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    It protects rights as citizens of The USA
  • The capital moved to Louisville

    The capital moved to Louisville
    Savannah held the capital of Ga until this time Atlanta got it. It was also in Milledgeville but they became unhappy here and got moves to Atlanta
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    Voting Rights
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    It was when Abraham Lincoln beat John C. Breckinridge , Stephen A. Douglas, and John Bell.