Georgia road map

checkpoint #1

  • Paleo

    The Indians moved over big ares on foot. Their was not a lot of people during these time.
  • Archaic

    In the they moved in the northern Louisiana.The building was made 500 year ago.
  • woodland

    The woodland travel on foot. They would punted their faces and bods.
  • Mississippi

    Their lives were like just a adaptation.
  • Hernado

    The DE Soto was out in April 1538 80 boys and girls in all.
  • Georgia founded

    When spans was explore Georgia. It was 1732 to they colony of Georgia.
  • john Reynolds

    He was on September 20, 1820 lance Steve pensively zinnia.He did service for 1845.
  • Henry Ellis

    He was born in county Mahayana. He leaner that he was good hard working man.
  • James wright

    James wright was a young man and wise man. In 1972 he won the pulverized.