Georgia road map

Checkpoint #1

  • Period: 15,000 BCE to 8000 BCE


    Toward the end of the ice age began the settlement of Georgia. We do not know when the first humans arrived. During the Paleo time period there was extinction of plants and animals
  • Period: 8000 BCE to 1000 BCE


    In the Archaic time period, Georgia was mostly covered oak-hickory forests, and big animals were extinct. Archaic people hunted together with about twenty-fifty people.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to Jan 1, 1000


    The Woodland period had an early, middle and late. In the late Archaic time pots were invented. In woodland pots were more decorated.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to


    Mississippian people grew a lot of their food in gardens. They ate food like deer and corn. They spent a lot of time outside. Shelter was for cold and bad weather also for storage.
  • Mar 3, 1540

    Hernando De Soto

    Hernando De Soto was the first European to explore Georgia. When Hernando De Soto was young he participate in the conquest of Panama and Nicaragua.
  • Period: to

    John Reynolds

    John Reynolds was born in England. Reynolds was in the royal navy. Shortly before he passed he became an admiral.
  • Charter of 1732

    King George signed a paper saying the colony was created. James Oglethorpe had a leading role in the colony.
  • Salzburgers Arrive

    They were a group of German colonists. They had hardships I Europe and Georgia.
  • Highland Scots Arrive

    A group of Scotland Highlanders arrived riding a boat named "Prince of Wales". They were soliders recruited by James Oglethorpe
  • Period: to

    Henry Ellis

    He was the second royal governor of Georgia. He was also known as the second founder.
  • Period: to

    James Wright

    He was after Henry Ellis, the third royal governor. He was born In London, England
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    It was known qs the war of independence. The conflicts were between North America and the colonial governments.
  • Elijah Clarke

    He signed a petition it 1774. He got a wound fighting the Cherokee indians.
  • Austin Dabney

    Elijah Clarkes assistant artillery man. HE was severly wounded dunig battle
  • Georgia Ratifies Constitution

    We were the fourth state to ratifie. IT was short and to the point.
  • Constitutional Convention

    It was known as the federal convention. Another nme was the Philadelphia convention
  • Georgia Founded

    James Oglethorpe and some other settlers crossed the Atlantic in their ship "Anne".They settled in California. on February 12 they made it to yawmacraw bluff which Know is georgia.