
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed after World War I as a peace settlement between the nations. Most nations were included in the conference to discuss the terms, but Germany was excluded. The terms of the treaty revolved around Germany. Germany was forced to take full responsability for World War I, and had to pay $30 billion in damages. Their army was decreased in numbers and lots of German territory was taken from them. Germans were outraged, which later Hitler used to gain support.
  • Economic Depression In Germany

    Economic Depression In Germany
    The economic depression in Germany started in June of 1919, when The Treaty of Versailles was signed. The treated stated that Germany must take full responsability for World War I under the "War Guilt Clause", and pay the large amount of $33 billion, an amount of money that they could not pay right away. Due to hyperinflation between 1921-1923, the value of money lowered in value to a trillionth its origional value, worsening the conditions, and making them resent the countries who blamed them.
  • Hitler's rise to power

    Hitler's rise to power
    The Treaty of Versailles, and its outcome set the stage for Adolf Hitler's rise to power. He used it to his advarntage by criticizing it, making huge promises, and gaining the support of the Government. Although Hitler was not elected president, he was given a position in cabinet when the Nazis were elected the largest party in Reichstag later giving himself the position of president. Hitlers actions while in power forced the British and French leaders to become involved, which resulted in WWII.
  • Appeasement

    After Hitler took power he began to invade countries. He, along with the Nazis invated Rhineland against the Treaty of Versailles, but British and French leaders ignored his actions in order to maintain peace. Hitler felt powerful because he was not being stopped and continued to go against the Treaty and invade countries. Appeasement gave Hitler the power to do what he wanted.
  • Germany's invasion of Poland

    Germany's invasion of Poland
    Germany invaded Poland, who had an alliance with Britain and France. Hitler thought that the invasion would end in a short war, but one that defeated Poland. Britian and France told Germany to leave Poland, or they would declare war. Germany stayed and defeated Poland which led Britain and France to declare war. This was the beginning of World War II.