The Siege on Chattanooga
After losing and Chickamauga the Union army heads to Chattanooga where they are surrounded. The Confederates place a siege on them -
Period: to
Battle of Chattanooga
Sherman's army arrives
The Union army is famished of supplies and waits to resupply. Union Gen. Sherman also arrives in mid-November with 20,00, troops. Confederate Gen. Bragg sends Gen. Longstreed and 15,000 men Northeast to Knoxville, seriously weakening the army -
Grant's Plan
Union Gen. Grant orders and assault on Confederate picket lines while Sherman's men head Northeast to attack the Confederates right flank. -
Lookout Mountain
Union Gen. "Fighting Joe" Hooker decides to make full assault on mountain. the defeated Confederates withdraw. -
Protecting the right flank 1:30 PM
Gen. Bragg relizes the danger on his right flank and send Gen. Cleburne's troops to hault Gen. Sherman -
Grant attacks middle
The Confederates hold their right flank. Gen. Hooker advances from Lookout Mountain to attack Confederate left flank, but they are held up by burning bridges. With both Confederate flanks stalled Grant orders attack on on the center -
Battle of Missionary Ridge
The Confederate center looks imposing, but they are poorly constucted and manned. As the Union advance many Confederates abaandon without a fight. The Union army chase them, without command from their officers, out of the area. -
Gen. Hooker is sent to pursue the Confederates but Gen. Cleburne holds him up at a mountain pass named Ringgold Gap and the Confederates escape.
As a result of the victory Grant is placed in charge of all Union armies.
Confederates lose 6.667 men
Union lose 5,824 men