Treaty of Versailles Signed
league of nations
The lead of nations was created after WW1 to make sure that war never broke out out again bring stability to the world -
Vladimir Lenin Dies
Vladimir Lenin was a major ruler in Russia for a long time. Many people liked him but many didn't. so when he died many were upset for quite a while. -
stock market crashes
This is a major event because this caused many people to become homeless and without jobs. This made living for many people very difficult -
Japan invades Manchuria
The Japanese armies open a long undeclared war against china. this is a major event cause it wasn't really expected to happen and the league of nations didn't help china -
The final League of Nations Disarmament Conference is Held
Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany
This was important because this lead to Hitler gaining all of his power and eventually the whole holocaust which was a huge event in the world. -
The German Reichstag Passes the Enabling Act
Amelia Earhart flew from Hawaii to california
This was a major event in the world because it was a really far flight for back then and it also showed that women can fly just as far as a man can. -
the Spanish civil war
The Munich Pact is Signed
German invasion of poland