
Charting Literary History

By acalow
  • Jonathan Swift "A Depiction of the Morning"

    Jonathan Swift "A Depiction of the Morning"
    Burlesque- High poetic form decribing "low" life Descriptive Verse- Describes particular places or events in a way that elevates them
  • Anne Finch "A Nocturnal Reverie"

    Anne Finch "A Nocturnal Reverie"
    Repetition of phrase "In such a night" is an allusion to Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice Anemographia: creates an illusion of reality through description of the wind
  • John Gay "Trivia: Book III Of Walking the Streets at Night"

    John Gay "Trivia: Book III Of Walking the Streets at Night"
    Broken into 23 sections, labelled in the margin of the page Rhyme scheme Heroic couplets
  • William Hogarth "The Four Times of the Day

    William Hogarth "The Four Times of the Day
    Moring / Noon / Evening / Night Every day lives and entertainments of the common people of London (circa 1700)
  • Elizabeth Hands "A Poem, on the Supposition of an advertisement Appearing in a Morning Paper, of the Publication of a Volume of Poems, by a Servant-Maid"

    Elizabeth Hands "A Poem, on the Supposition of an advertisement Appearing in a Morning Paper, of the Publication of a Volume of Poems, by a Servant-Maid"
    Poem uses anapestic tetrametre anapest= triple metre: 2 unstressed syllables followed by a stressed tetrametre= a four stress line
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge "Frost at Midnight"

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge "Frost at Midnight"
    Conversation Poem General Pattern:
    -Pleasant sanctuary established
    -Imaginative flight of fancy
    -Return to fantasy with new, or altered, perspective
  • William Wordsworth "I wandered lonely as a cloud"

    William Wordsworth "I wandered lonely as a cloud"
    Wordsworth claims good poetry should in no respect differ from good prose. His sister's journal features an alternative prosaic take on Wordsworth's poem
  • Anne Bronte "The Tennant of Wildfell Hall"

    Anne Bronte "The Tennant of Wildfell Hall"
    Secrecy, Silnce, Mystery, is a focus that allows Bronte to morph the Gothic into a Social novel.
  • James Albert Calow

    My Great-Great grandfather is born. He is an orphan, no records.
  • Abolition of Slavery

    Abolition of Slavery
    Slavery is abolished. The work of Douglass and thousnds of others yields results.
  • Dominion of Canada forms

    Dominion of Canada forms
    Many of these great works were written, and ideas in arts and literature being explored before our country even existed.
  • Gerard Manley Hopkins "Pied Beauty"

    Gerard Manley Hopkins "Pied Beauty"
    Poem in praise of spots Alliteration: the repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables
  • Frederick Douglass from The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass from The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass
    Why is this a literary text?
    -Highly constructed text
    -Uses rhetoric in episodes to create greater meaning or significance
    -and orient the reader towards a particular way of thinking that could be new to them
  • Thomas Calow

    My great grandfather is born
  • James Joyce "Araby"

    James Joyce "Araby"
    Romanticizes the middle east Illusion is shattered by the end of the story
  • Wallace Stevens "Sunday Morning"

    Wallace Stevens "Sunday Morning"
    Poetic Diction: "specialized language which is peculiar to poetry" (Chris Baldick) Peignoir is a kimono sort of hous coat.
  • Issac Rosenberg "Break of Day in the Trenches"

    Issac Rosenberg "Break of Day in the Trenches"
    Rosenberg was killed on the Western front April 1, 1918 Described his poetry as simple poetry: "where an interesting complexity of thought is kept in tone and right value to the dominating idea so that it is understandable and still ungraspable" Relevant Terms:
  • Women's suffrage

    Women's suffrage
    Women gain the right to vote in Canada Themes from Elizabeth Hand's "A Poem, on the Supposition of an Advertisement Appearing in a Morning Paper, of the Publication of a Volume of Poems, by a Servant-Maid" and Anne Bronte's "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" are finally realized as women are empowered (except in Quebec where the vote was withheld until 1940)
  • Thomas James Calow

    My grandfather is born
  • Blackhawk Billy Mosienko

    Blackhawk Billy Mosienko
    In one game against the New York Rangers Billy scored 3 goals in 21 seconds. He left the league in 1955. This gives a frame of reference for "Blueprints", Mosienko is still a name to the narrator's mother and Mel seems to reognize him when he knocks on Mosienko's door. Placing them roughly as contemporaries?
  • Thomas Anthony Calow

    My father is born
  • Shelagh Delaney "A Taste of Honey"

    Shelagh Delaney "A Taste of Honey"
    Kitchen Sink Drama: -Post WWII working class british drama and film
    -Counter discursive
    -gritty realism
    - domestic setting
    -perspective of the underclass
    -Angry young men
    -promotes anti-hero
  • Rita Dove "Kentucky 1933"

    Rita Dove "Kentucky 1933"
    Prose Poem: A short composition employig the rhythmic cadences and other devices of free verse (such as poetic imagery and figures) but printed wholly or partly in the format of prose. -A prose poem is a self-contained work usually similar to a lyric, whereas poetic prose may occur intermittently within a longer prose work
  • Rita Dove "Daystar"

    Rita Dove "Daystar"
    Rita Dove was poet Laureate for the United States from 1993 to 1995 And Poet Laureate for the Commonwealth of Virginia from 2004 to 2006 She won a Pulitzer prize in poetry in 1987
  • Li-Young Lee "Persimmons"

    Li-Young Lee "Persimmons"
    Persimmon: An edible fruit, grows on trees, most popular variety is from Asia
  • Thomas Alexander Ross Calow

    I am born
  • Swing Low: A Life

    Swing Low: A Life
    Miriam Toews publishes a memoir tod from her father's perspective, and including elements of the story "Blueprints" 5 years before the story is published.
  • Alice Munro "Meneseteung"

    Alice Munro "Meneseteung"
    Metafiction: Fiction about fiction; fiction that openly acknowledges its fictional status
  • Miriam Toews "Blueprints"

    Miriam Toews "Blueprints"
    Types of First Person Narration: -Limited first person
    -Sometimes Supported by an omnicient narrator
    -unreliable narrator?
    -dramatic monologue (strict separation between author and narrator/speaker)
    -fictionalied autobiography