Motzart fam

Charm of Music Midterm Timeline

  • 400

    St. Augustine finishes Confessions

    St. Augustine finishes Confessions
    St. Augustine, Doctor of the Catholic Church and founder of the Augustine Order, finishes writing his famous conversion story
  • Period: 400 to 1400

    Middle Ages

    Guido D'Arezzo
    Hildegard Von Bingen
  • 590

    Gregory the Great Becomes Pope

    Gregory the Great Becomes Pope
    One of the most notable popes in Church history assumes the Chair of Peter
  • 800

    Charlemagne Crowned Emperor

    Charlemagne Crowned Emperor
    Charlemagne named Emperor of new Western Empire
  • 991

    Guido D' Aezzo

    Guido D' Aezzo
    Born: 991/992
    Died: after 1033
    Nationality: Italian
  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    Eastern Orthodox splits from Roman Catholic Church
  • 1098

    Hildegard Von Bingen

    Hildegard Von Bingen
    Born: 1098
    Died: 1179
    Nationality: German
  • 1135


    Born: 1135? 1150?
    Died: 1201?
    Nationality: French
  • 1150


    Born: ?
    Died: ?
    *Flourished in 12th century
    Nationality: French
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Beginning of legal limits of monarchs
  • 1300


    Born: around 1300
    Died: 1377
    Nationality: French
  • Period: 1300 to


    Josquin, Jacques Aradelt, Palestrina
  • 1337

    100 Year War Begins

    100 Year War Begins
    Hundred Year War between France and England begins
  • 1345

    Cathedral of Notre Dame Completed

    Cathedral of Notre Dame Completed
    Famed French Catholic Cathedral Finished
  • 1439

    Printing Press Invented

    Printing Press Invented
    Gutenberg invents the printing press, changing publishing forever
  • 1450


    Born: 1450
    Died: 1521
    Nationality: French? Belgian?
  • 1488

    St. Thomas of Villanova is Born

    St. Thomas of Villanova is Born
    St. Thomas of Villanova, namesake of Villanova University, is born
  • 1492

    America Discovered

    America Discovered
    Columbus sails the ocean blue and discovers the "West Indies"
  • 1504

    "The David" Finished

    "The David" Finished
    Michelangelo finishes his famous sculpture
  • 1505

    Jacques Aracdelt

    Jacques Aracdelt
    Born: 1505/1507
    Died: 1568
    Nationality: French? Belgian?
  • 1517


    Martin Luther begins the Reformation with his 95 Theses
  • 1525


    Born: 1525/1526
    Died: 1594
    Died: Italian
  • 1533

    King Henry VIII marries Anne Boylen

    King Henry VIII marries Anne Boylen
    King Henry VIII of England marries Anne Boylen, separating the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church and Papal Rule
  • 1567


    Born: 1567
    Died: 1643
    Nationality: Italian
  • Period: to


    Monteverdi, Purcell, Handel, Cozzolani, Bach, Vivaldi, Scarlatti
  • Cozzolani

    Born: 1602
    Died: 1676/1678?
    Nationality: Italian
  • Jamestown established

    Jamestown established
    First permanent English settlement in US established
  • Pilgrims Arrive in Plymouth

    Pilgrims Arrive in Plymouth
    Pilgrims settle in Plymouth, MA, USA
  • St. Peter's Basilica Completed

    St. Peter's Basilica Completed
    St. Peter's Basilica in Rome is completed and consecrated
  • Taj Mahal Commissioned

    Taj Mahal Commissioned
    Emperor commissions extravagant tomb to be built for wife in India
  • Purcell

    Born: 1659
    Died: 1695
    Nationality: English
  • Vivaldi

    Born: 1678
    Died: 1741
    Nationality: Italian
  • Handel

    Born: 1685
    Died: 1759
    Nationality: Germany
  • Bach

    Born: 1685
    Died: 1750
    Nationality: German
  • Scarlatti

    Born: 1685
    Died: 1757
    Nationality: Italian
  • Buckingham Palace Built

    Buckingham Palace Built
    Royal Palace of British Monarchs built in London
  • Adam Smith Born

    Adam Smith Born
    Father of Economics/Capitalism and author of Wealth of Nations is born in Scotland
  • Period: to


    Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven
  • Ben Franklin Discovers Electricity

    Ben Franklin Discovers Electricity
    Franklin discovers electricity while performing famous key, kite, and ligthning experiment
  • Start of French and Indian War

    Start of French and Indian War
    British America fights against French in New World
  • Motzart

    Born: 1756
    Died: 1791
    Nationality: Austrian
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    US signs the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776
  • French Revolution Begins

    French Revolution Begins
    French Revolution begins for Independence, also George Washington becomes first elected US president
  • Haydn

    Born: 1732
    Died: 1809
    Nationality: Austrian
    *date set to death date so as to be included in Classical Era
  • Pride and Prejudice

    Pride and Prejudice
    Jane Austen pens her famous novel
  • Napoleon Dies

    Napoleon Dies
    Famed French leader Napoleon passes away
  • Beethoven

    Born: 1770
    Died: 1825
    Nationality: German
    *date set to two years before death date so as to be included in Classical Era