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Charlotte's Timeline

  • Birthday

    Charlotte was born in a small hospital in Milan, Italy
  • Parents got divorced

    Charlotte's father was alcoholic before her mother finally filed for a divorce. But in the divorce papers, she didn't mention he was alcoholic. She was scared of getting him in trouble.
  • Moved from Italy, to New York City

    After the divorce, her mother stayed in Italy, while her father took her and her sister to America. Charlotte's brother stayed with her mother.
  • Sister diagnosed with brain cancer

    Charlotte's sister, Katherine, was diagnosed with stage 3 brain cancer
  • First time seeing a musical on Broadway

  • Moved in with aunt

    After Charlotte's sister was diagnosed with cancer, her father realized he would not be able to take care of them, so he sent them to live with their aunt
  • Sister died of cancer

  • Father died

    Her father struggled for years with alcoholism. He died of alcohol poisoning.
  • Started seeing a therapist

    After her father died, it sent Charlotte into a sort of depression, after losing her sister and now her father. So, she started seeing a therapist to help cope.
  • Started playing the piano

    Charlotte always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, and she finally started playing the piano when she was 9. This was also used as a coping mechanism.
  • Went to Los Angeles

    Her therapist recommended that she go out into the world, and get away from her house for a little bit.
  • Started middle school

    This made Charlotte very nervous. She wasn't ready for the change.
  • Started high school

    A highlight of Charlotte's life, she finally went to high school. She was excited because now, she could be treated like an adult.
  • Got the lead in her school musical

    This is important because she started to discover some of her interests.
  • Tried to find her brother

    Charlotte found out that she had a brother still in Italy, and she tried to get more information about him.
  • Went to Italy

    After some research, and persuading her aunt, Charlotte went to Italy to find her long lost brother.
  • Finds out her mother died

    While on her trip visiting her brother, she finds out that her mother died a couple of years earlier.
  • Gets her driver's license

    On her 16th birthday, Charlotte gets her liscense. This gives her a sense of freedom.
  • Brother arrives in America

    She convinces her brother to come and see her in America, and to try and apply for citizenship
  • Charlotte moves in with her brother

    Charlotte just turned 18, and her brother is of legal age. After he becomes a citizen, she moves in with him.