
Charlotte Bronte

  • Family members (19th century)

    Her father was Reverend Patrick Bronte. Her mother was Maria. They had 6 children. However, two girls, Maria Bronte and Elizabeth Bronte died when they were children.
  • Date and place of born

    She was born on 21 April 1816 in Thornton.
  • Moved to a moorland village

    In 1820 Charlotte Bronte's family moved to a moorland village called Haworth.
  • Charlotte's mother died

    Her mother died in 1821.
  • ...

    In 1824 Charlotte Bronte and her sister Emily were sent to join two older sisters Maria and Elizabeth at the Clergy Daughters School in Cowan Bridge in Lancashire.
  • Maria and Elizabeth die

    in 1825
    Maria and Elizabeth Bronte both died of tuberculosis.
  • Period: to

    Charlotte went to school near Dewsbury

    1831-32 Charlotte
    Bronte went to Margaret Wooler's school near Dewsbury.
  • Bronte went to work at Wooler's school

    In 1835 Charlotte Bronte went to work at Wooler's school as a
    teacher. She worked there till 1838.
  • ...

    In 1839 Charlotte
    began working as a governess.
  • Charlotte Bronte returned to Yorkshire

    Charlotte Bronte returned to Yorkshire in 1844.
  • they published some of their poems

    in 1846 Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte published
    some of their poems.
  • Jane Eyre

    Charlotte Bronte wrote a story called Jane Eyre. It was
    published in 1847.
  • second work Shirley

    Charlotte's second work Shirley was
    published in 1848.
  • third book

    The third book by Charlotte Bronte was
    Villette published in 1853.
  • Bronte married a man named Arthur

    In 1854 Charlotte Bronte married a
    man named Arthur Bell Nicholls.
  • Date and place of death

    She died on 31 March 1855 in Haworth.